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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

BB Rankings and Opinion

Aug 30, 2013 by Apex98
1st - Elissa - Great player, so happy that she didn't give in to Amanda's bullying. Stay strong Elissa! Hope you win!

2nd - GM - Honestly I have gained SO much respect for GM over the last week, even though she was racist at the beginning. Good Luck GM. I hope you find a job when you get out of the house.

3rd - Judd - He is in a great position right now! He just needs to keep doing what he is doing.

4th - Spencer - I commend him on surviving so many evictions! But he probably wont win, so at least he got 10K and a trip while he was there.

5th - McCrae - Like him A LOT less than the beginning of the season. Can't believe he puts up with Amanda. GM and Spencer are right, she will ruin his life if he stays with her lol. Hope he goes home in this double eviction this week.

6th - Andy - This little rat bastard, two-faced, flip-flopping, liar! Ugh go home soon PLEASE!

7th - Amanda - Can't stand this bitch. I am praying she goes home this week along with McCrae in the double eviction.

How would you rank the HGs?


Exactly how I feel about the housguests
Sent by Dannny,Aug 30, 2013

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