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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Waterprince has me filtered,

Oct 8, 2013 by Aquamarine
So let me educate you on your blog:

You clearly do not understand the meaning of the word "hack" so I will fetch you a definition:

Use a computer to gain unauthorized access to data in a system.
"they hacked into a bank's computer"  Good God even Google can't make a grammatically correct sentence.

The key word being "unauthorized". When you post pictures on Facebook, you authorize them to be shared with the world. Shay (or anyone else) finding these pictures is AUTHORIZED, not unauthorized as the definition reads, so it is not anything remotely close to hacking.

Second of all your grammer is piss poor and if you want me to pick apart this blog I will.

1. "I never said the reason why someone may not like is because I'm Black."
       - Black is a color, not a proper noun or a race. It should not be capitalized.
       - "may not like is", seems to me that there is a word missing here.
2. "I only bring up your GED because you make fun of my grammar though I'm no where near an English major and my to top it off there is nothing wrong with my grammar."
       - In the sentence where you say nothing is wrong, you make "nowhere" two words.
       - This should be separated into two sentences, as it is clearly a run-on.
3. "Come cleans about stalking us and my blogs, and come clean about hacking my facebook account with your degenerate friends."
       - I have no idea why clean is pluralized in this sentence.
       - The comma is completely unnecessary after the world blogs.
       - Facebook should be capitalized.
       - Once again, not hacking.

You are very welcome, Waterprince.


banks******* haha take that loser
Sent by Milkisgood,Oct 8, 2013
Milkisgood I copied it off Google's dictionary so it aint my fault
Sent by Aquamarine,Oct 8, 2013
waterprince i don't understand why he didn't just comment on my blog instead of making a new one, he says i'm the one wanting the drama but yet he refuses to actually comment and instead blogs over and over again when I can't respond to him.

But anyway, I'm done making blogs about him.
Sent by ShayyBayy,Oct 8, 2013

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