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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Big Brother 12 Issues and Commonly Misused Phrases.

Jul 30, 2010 by AwesomeAdam
Okay my biggest issues with BB12 this year is how lackluster of a season it is. There is nobody to truly hate and nobody thats truly vile. In previous seasons' we've seen the worst in people. This year everyone is kinda monotone at one level.

IN addition the cast can't get over misusing common Big Brother terms like Floater and Backdoor.

A floater is somebody that shifts and stays good with 2 different alliances. They throw HoH and other comps and even when an alliance is not in power they still stay with them. This season nobody is truly a floater as our only real alliance is the Brigade which has gone unnoticed by everyone in the house. There is no alliance to shift between therefore nobody is really a floater.

Backdoor in order to accomplish this 2 people must be nominated that has a good chance of winning veto. Not 2 people that will probably not win (i.e. Kathy and Andrew). In addition you must make the WHOLE house aware of this. By having 2 strong pawns on the block competiting it assures the veto would most likely be won.

I hope this season spices up b/c so far its been lackluster. The fight last night with Kristen and Rachel may prove entertaining or it may just fizzle out and they'll become BFF's again.


Sent by william3,Jul 30, 2010
I'm still rolling my eyes that Savcdouche is still following me.
Sent by AwesomeAdam,Jul 30, 2010
I think you are reading my mind. I feel EXACTLY the same way!
Sent by KayKay,Jul 30, 2010
it actually is two sided, it's just really lopsided now, it was basically the brigade and annie andrew brendan and rachel, who are now down to brendan and rachel, i like this season though, it's never that interesting in the beginning anyways and it's really getting into the gameplay now in week 4
Sent by Bowler23,Jul 30, 2010

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