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The BambiBoo6's blog

Posts 109 posts

It's Thundering Here Jun 11, 2018
I need a hug T~T

On the other hand the smell of the pavement while it's raining - perfection.

I really ought to go to bed, it's almost 3 am.

Fuck it I can sleep when I'm dead.
Points: 14 1 comments
Sometimes Jun 10, 2018
I want to join group games.

But sometimes I also want to shoot myself in the face.

Points: 30 2 comments
This Is Why Jun 9, 2018
I don't fucks with people IRL.

Back at the end of last year, I kind of had a falling out with my old neighbors who I considered my really good friends. It wasn't a falling out in the sense of, we got into this big huge fight and all that, but more of, I was going through a phase where I didn't really want anything to do with anyone and I just stayed in my room all the time except for work. If it had been up to me, I wouldn't have even been around my mother, and she lives with me.
Well they took great offense to that even though I told them repeatedly that it was nothing personal, I was just going through a thing, but they still took it personal. When they gave birth to their newest baby girl, they made this whole big post on facebook about their friends being like family and they don't know how they would have survived without so and so people and all that, tagging everyone in our little group but my mom and I.
Reason that hurt me is because I had done a lot for them. No, I didn't do what I did for them for the applause and recognition, I did it because they were my friends and I was in a position to help so I did. But when they made that status and didn't include me, I felt very hurt and disrespected. Then when they both knew I saw it, they deleted me and blocked me on facebook.
Months pass and I've seen them like, twice since they moved out of our little cul de sac. It's been very peaceful and nice, but still, other wise I've had no contact with them whatsoever.
Today I get a message, and they're asking me if I will watch their kids over the summer for them. Like, I already have a full time job, did you forget that? And how are you gonna go months without talking to me, calling me a bad friend, and then ask me to do this for you? Like, even with what you're offering to pay me, like, that's wrong to me.
I will hopefully be going back to work soon, and I don't know what kind of crazy schedule they're going to put me on. Not to mention I'm going to be trying to get all the hours that I can because I have literally, thousands of dollars of medical bills I need to pay off now.
I can't promise you to watch your kids, especially during the busiest time of the day, for essentially $20 a day for three kids, one of which is an infant, when at my job I make $20 in an hour and a half.
My sister and brother in law have already been taking advantage of my being out of work due to my injury, but now other people are trying to do the same? Rotten.

People who I haven't spoken to in literal months are trying to take advantage of the fact that I'm out of work with an injury and are probably going to get nasty that I told them no.
Points: 43 1 comments
The Cake Jun 9, 2018
Was a success! She was so surprised this morning and so happy! I don't think she was expecting us to do anything, like that would happen. Seeing her smile this morning was so great!
Points: 82 5 comments
All Finished Jun 9, 2018
The birthday cake has been baked, iced and decorated, and it's one of the prettiest cakes I've ever made if I do say so myself!
Glad to be done with it though. I wish I would have gotten the ingredients earlier so I wouldn't have had to be up so late, but all for a good reason.
I can't imagine what it must be like having to spend your birthday, surrounded by practical strangers, so far away from home.
I hope this helps ease some of the home sickness I'm sure she feels.
Points: 2 6 comments
Cakes Are In Jun 8, 2018
the oven and now it's time for my favorite part, making the cream cheese frosting!
The trick is not adding too much powdered sugar, that way it's sweet, but not too overwhelmingly so.
And of course you have to use REAL vanilla extract, not imitation. It's more expensive, yes, but it's so worth it when it comes to flavor.
Points: 45 2 comments