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Played 13 times won twice.

Posts 75 posts

Ok. I think that the new Survivor has a good cast. Much better than the Redemption Island one. More colourful and not as many models. My top favorites are John, Sophie, Elyse and Christine. Hope they make it to the Final 4. I would also like to see Semhar go far just to see Probst' s speculations be wrong.
Points: 25 2 comments
BEST SEASONS? Sep 9, 2011
I want to watch Big Brother but I cannot decide which season. Which one is the best. I have already watched 6. Also, I woulkd like the same for TAR.
Points: 17 8 comments
FEMALE AVATAR! Sep 9, 2011
Does my avatar look female? Cause that was not my intention.
Points: 35 6 comments
Select 1 nominee for evicton and click Save when finished

Points: 2 5 comments
Day1 HOH baileyboy1 has nominated ErikDelko and Jxhn
Day1 Participants evicted Jxhn
Day2 HOH capguy1 has nominated Bolet36 and BOB22
Day2 Participants evicted BOB22
Day3 HOH baileyboy1 has nominated CaseofLogical and TopChef
Day3 POV youngdre didn't save anybody from the block
Day3 Participants evicted TopChef
Day4 HOH Nick24678 has nominated youngdre and Bolet36
Day4 POV Bolet36 has saved Bolet36 from the block
Day4 HOH Nick24678 has selected final nominees jason_2_12 and youngdre
Day4 Participants evicted youngdre
Day5 HOH baileyboy1 has nominated CaseofLogical and jason_2_12
Day5 POV Bolet36 didn't save anybody from the block
Day5 Participants evicted jason_2_12
Day6 HOH Nick24678 has nominated ErikDelko and Bolet36
Day6 POV countrygirl15701 didn't save anybody from the block
Day6 Participants evicted ErikDelko
Day7 HOH capguy1 has nominated Bolet36 and CaseofLogical
Day7 POV Bolet36 has saved Bolet36 from the block
Day7 HOH capguy1 has selected final nominees Nick24678 and CaseofLogical
Day7 Participants evicted Nick24678
Day8 HOH Maliyah has nominated countrygirl15701 and CaseofLogical
Day8 POV Bolet36 has saved countrygirl15701 from the block
Day8 HOH Maliyah has selected final nominees baileyboy1 and CaseofLogical
Day8 Participants evicted baileyboy1
Day9 HOH capguy1 has nominated CaseofLogical and Bolet36
Day9 POV CaseofLogical has saved CaseofLogical from the block
Day9 HOH capguy1 has selected final nominees countrygirl15701 and Bolet36
Day9 Participants evicted countrygirl15701
Day10 HOH Bolet36 has nominated Maliyah and capguy1
Day10 POV Bolet36 has selected: 3rd Maliyah and 4th capguy1, now jury must select the winner
Points: 17 1 comments
CRAZINESS IN FROOKIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aug 25, 2011
I entered a frookies game last. There was an enormous alliance in there and I started making alliances immnediatly. From the beginning of the game Iwas getting targeted and I was the first oenw ho was nommed. In the end, I was nommed 5 times, I won 5 POVs and 1 HoH and now I am in the Final 2 with one of my allies. And because I wasn't in their alliance and I screwed their plans they are not voting for me. Is that unfair or what?
Points: 0 0 comments