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Posts 126 posts

I have a friend online Feb 7, 2021
Who’s struggling with depression and i wish i could just fucking fly to Australia and hug him and kiss him and tell him i love him and everything is going to be okay. I hate this. I hate it.
Points: 40 4 comments
Tengaged has changed a lot... Feb 6, 2021
Wtf we have mods? Is there a new owner? Wtf is going on?
Points: 40 3 comments
Just so people see this Oct 30, 2020
This was the blog:

After Allison posted: "you didn't mention mine"

I edited the blog to say: "Edit: Allison's boyfriend saved a kitten. Why is THIS not a top blog? Is it because of his nose?"

Allison's blog was at like 56 and after I commented this he went up to 80+ in about 5 minutes. I logged off to get ready for work and came back to this:

"Ok fat ass that was so funny brainjak is the reason you never get a top blog because ur fat and have social issues" - Allison

As well as tags such as:

And a mail titled 'You're literally fat'

So to all of this … all of these comments … I … Sis if I wanted to come for your nose I would have. Don't be so fucking self-conscious. Your nose isn't even that bad GOD what a fucking whiny-ass bitch.

EDIT: And now blogs of his friends

EDIT #2: And the comments continue:
Points: 0 7 comments
... Oct 30, 2020
I literally made a joke on a blog and Allison is decking me in multiple blogs AND mails for being fat … because I made a joke about his nose … I - … Sis why you so crazy Allison I legit got your blog to the top blogs
Points: 8 4 comments
*looks at top blogs* Oct 30, 2020
Three music blogs, someone posting thirst material, someone up in stars, one or two big life announcements, and a couple of blatant overly-feminine homosexuals in a blood feud. Tengaged, you never cease to impress. Edit: Allison's boyfriend saved a kitten. Why is THIS not a top blog? Is it because of his nose?
Points: 7 3 comments
The Big Brother Game App Oct 16, 2020
Info for those of you interested in downloading it:

You cannot play without paying. Yes this is true. 5 dollars gets you 3 tickets, one of which has to be used to enter the lowest ranked housing. From what was said in the intro, in order to move onto other houses you need to not only WIN your game, but you also need to pay MORE tickets to access each house, so I'm assuming that each 'tier' of house costs more tickets to get into.

You can SPECTATE houses, but cannot see PMs. At the moment there is a game being played by past BBUS and BBCAN players, and it seems to be the most popular. You can also send gifts to houseguests without playing the game.

Noteworthy Rules:

Communication outside of the App is FORBIDDEN and if discovered you will be removed from the game by Big Brother. This includes finding each other personally through email and chat-based sites and apps.

You do have to pay to privately message people. Not MONEY, but BB currency earned in the house by doing chores. You can leave your character to gain money easily, OR you can tap away and chip the time down to about 1/10th its original requirement.

Players have to wait until the following day to play in the competitions (which sucked ass for us as we got into our house at like 3 AM EST). I'm not sure if all competitions are timed the same way, but ours are spread out through the day with the HOH comp beginning at 11 PM EST, while the Veto is closer to 5PM EST and the eviction is even later than that.

From what I can see, you CANNOT buy in-game currency. I could be wrong on this, but if that is true then the only way you can actually PM is to do chores, so you're stuck there.

The first house is limited to 8 people, but can hold as many as 14 (there are 14 beds and 14 wardrobes). Different houses are apparently available, and I'm assuming that as you win each tier, the house becomes gradually more grand and enjoyable. HOPEFULLY they're not all just copy/pastes with very few differences.

Something noteworthy (in my opinion) is that they LABEL you (via a quick quiz) before you go into your first house, and apparently you are cast based on your own label and those of your castmates. For example, I was labeled 'The Champion'. This is not some private label either, as it is present on your profile.

And this is everything I know so far! If you're interested in joining, I can promise that it does seem fun at first. Kind of like a more BB Casting game. *shrug* Hopefully I continue having fun on it when the competitions start XD

Points: 48 3 comments