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The Bree_supergirl95's blog

Posts 10 posts

Poetry Monday May 19, 2014
imagePainting: A free verse poem with metaphor

Painting is an untamed bird.
It is a way to express emotions
Without fear of disapproval or spite.
There are no restrictions
As to what you can or cannot do.
Nothing can hold you back;
The emotions can fly wildly.
Movement is so fluid;
Smooth, yet somewhat rough.
Everything is out in the open
Once you pick up that brush.
Points: 11 0 comments
Weekly Obsession May 18, 2014
imageMy weekly obsession this week is....Mamrie Hart. 

This woman could quite possibly be the funniest red headed 30-year old stand up comedian on the internet.  I wish I was half as funny as her! She does a YouTube channel show called YDAD (You Deserve A Drink), in which she makes an alcoholic beverage and names it after an event, place, person, or group of people she most thinks deserves a drink.  I dare you to look her up and see for yourself just how unique this woman is.

Check back next week to see what I obsess about next! :)
Points: 10 0 comments
Lazy Saturday May 17, 2014
Saturdays are my slow days.  These posts will only have one word written on them (this description does not count as the one word...)

Word of the Day:

Points: 0 0 comments
Commenting on Comments (Fridays) May 16, 2014
I will reserve Fridays to commenting on your comments you've left on my blog posts over the past week.  I will haze the crap out of you and welcome you to the SuperG family.

Rembrandt, more like Remember when you used to be homeless? (Sorry, my hazing will hopefully get better as this progresses haha)

@Remembrandt  oh i love scissor sisters.  o wait which ones are you talking about
Obviously the scissoring kind.  Kidding, the pop band formed in 2001(:

LoganT96, more like Logan Tea is really good. You look thirsty, maybe you should have some. (Lol this hazing is going to get bad)

LoganT96   I miss the 90s
Me too, kid. Me too.

Check back next Friday to see who I haze (attempt to haze) next.  Remember to comment! :)
Points: 0 0 comments
Weird Ass Wednesday May 14, 2014
imageWednesdays will be reserved to the weird stories from around the world. Now I must point out that I did Throwback Thursday before this day, because I thought it was Thursday...I guess this adds to the weirdness of this post.

BAKERSFIELD, Calif., May 5 (UPI) -- A tenth-grade California girl allegedly passed out cupcakes to bullies at her school which she said contained “bodily fluids.” (Aka the white sticky stuff)
As it turns out, the cupcakes were made with mayonnaise, barbecue sauce and soy sauce.
It still managed to leave a bad taste in their mouths.

Alright, what did you all think?
Question of the day: What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten? Leave your answer in the comments below.
Points: 0 0 comments
Throwback Thursday May 14, 2014
imageI'll be reviewing an aspect of my childhood.  I know, "very original," but it's all I could think of so bear with me.

Saved by the Bell

Saved by the Bell, whether you want to admit it or not, you have seen this show if you were a child of the 90's. While it had extremely cheesy and bad acting and horrible writing, it was a fun show for the kids and the pre-teens. I remember always dying of laughter when I watched this show when I was a kid on Saturday mornings. Screech to me was like Marlon Brando in The Godfather, I thought the whole cast was brilliant. Now I still watch this show as a grown up, I really can't help it, it's like a car accident, you know you shouldn't look, but you can't help it. I know the writing was very bad and the situations are beyond unrealistic, but I think the reason I love this show still is because of it's innocence.  Also, Mario Lopez...

Check back next Thursday to see what I review next!
If you have any suggestions as to what I should review, leave it in the comments below!(:
Points: 14 2 comments