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Big Brother and online Hunger games.


Jul 7, 2011 by Cameron
Its not to often I talk about my personal life on this site, but I'm just having one of those days so far where I need to vent.

So, once a week I take time to volunteer with a local pastor and some other people who run a program who's target group is youths at risk, but anyone is welcomed, and this week due to commitments that some of the other volunteers had, it was just a short breakfast for the kids today. Everything was fine and dandy, people who go there instead of running the streets know the number one rule is, respected and treat everyone equally - and well there with us, they respect that rule.

But today, I was shocked. Other then the pastor, I was the last volunteer to leave, and on my way home, for the first time since volunteering with this program, what do I see?

A group of kids, about four or five of them, picking on a slow learner. Of course, I made sure the kid got home safely.

But when I see stuff like that, it makes me wonder, what kind of satisfaction do people, especially teenagers get out of picking on the defenseless? Seriously, I went to school with a few people that got a laugh out of doing that, but every time I see it happen, even at my age now, it still makes me sick.

/Rant/Vent over...


It's amazing how people will pick on people to make themselves feel better.  It's sad.
Sent by JMLeahy,Jul 7, 2011
Isn't that the truth. I mean, part of me feels for the people that haven't been given a lot to work with in life, but events like just can't help but wonder, whats wrong with some people.
Sent by Cameron,Jul 7, 2011

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