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The CarolinaSteele's blog

Posts 76 posts

5th Oct 13, 2020
Dec 17/21 - 10181/100/6

Feb 8/22 - 13020/100/3
Points: 26 21 comments
3rd Oct 6, 2020
Skype: live:.cid.2c3301d701114cf
Discord: kirstenelizabeth#0292
Points: 15 2 comments
Things to Save <3 Oct 2, 2020
Chels052_, Birthday Blog - Sept 29/21
Happy Birthday to the WONDERFUL
carolinasteele <3333 OMG this girl! I dont even know how to put into words how amazing she is ! I love how much we are alike in many ways and you are like my younger sister/ best friend. You have such a kind soul and just bring out this shining bright light into this world. I just love that no matter how hard things can be sometimes you are always so optimistic and fun loving, with such a great imagination. I literally can’t wait until we meet and I hope you had a great birthday ! I love you so much Kirsten!! 💜

gethann, C&A Survivor All Stars 2 Momentum - FTC Oct 4/21
Lmao but real talk, the best highlights of my game were honestly getting to meet and bond with you, especially since you were my fucking anchor this game and were legit always such a pleasure to talk to (additionally I used to get really mentally stressed and upset over Survivor and having you as an anchor helped me mitigate a lot of that stress/ realize that some ppl really arent worth my mental health)

useamint, Rookies #215167 - Oct 4/21
useamint 14 hours 38 min ago
1st: Kirsten - Y(ou) are amazing and like Chels I hope you enjoyed your birthday week. Honestly, one of my favourite people to play Castings with the late night schemers were robbed when we placed 5th - 3rd just like the Ontario alliance. The common denominator is when me and you are in games together we won't win LOL. Like Akshar you have my consent to flood my mails with nonsense manifesting a successful charity. It was fun spamming your inbox with are you gonna do it today or tommorow? There's a free crooks you gonna do it now ? LMAO.

Padfoot, +0 Secret Santa Event - Dec 3/21
  From Padfoot bought in shop +0 Christmas Emporium
I love you... so glad to be your "secret" santa... thanks for being such a great friend this year!!! I'm so glad to have met you and hope you have an amazing Christmas <3<3

Becksta20, PYN Blog - Dec 6/21
carolinasteele – Oh Kirsten, you my girl are incredibly loved! You’re gone for a few hours and literally people ask where you have been because they miss you.  I love that you always bring your undeniably unique self, no matter what is going on.

ItsAustin, PYN Blog Dec 14/21
@ CarolinaSteele honestly i love every part of your avatar except for 1 thing, that fucking shirt. it’s hideous, and your tummy tuck snatched waist blue on your sides is showing. you need a new outfit luv. everything else is pretty so (8.5/10) PLEASE change your outfit, i wish i could gift u my hammy downs

Mrkk, PYN Blog - Dec 14/21
CarolinaSteele - Quality: Friendly 💚 - You are one of the nicest new users I've seen on here, you always bring positivity to the blogs page and there's nothing that makes me dislike you in any way, you also look very popular among your frat members and that's another great way to find new friends on here, which is one of the best parts of being on Tengaged!

christossss, PYN Blog - Dec 22/21
@ carolinasteele although I love to make fun of you and you loveeee to drag me, I feel super protective of you, idk why im weird like that. you're a great girl that has shown me you dont have a bad bone in your body (metaphorically cause literally you're weak as hell) and those are the people I want to surround myself with.

unknown, Holiday Blog - Dec 24/21
@ Carolinasteele you are one of a kind! The times I have literally laughed until I’ve cried with you makes my heart so happy! You have this amazing ability to be funny when you aren’t even trying! I love how much you care for others and how you are always trying to improve things! You are loyal and honest and always want to do what’s right - such a rarity for this site. You are an amazing person and don’t ever let anyone make you think otherwise! ❤️

kindred7, Thank you Blog - Jan 1/22
@ CarolinaSteele - Kirsten we literally just met and I have to say you’re so easy to talk to! I’ve always heard only good things about you and I can see why. You’re very creative and witty, but you’re also caring towards your friends. I hope we can get to know each other better moving forward. I really appreciate you joining my charity without me even asking bc you really didn’t have to. I hope the New Year holds many exciting prospects for you - and that you can get into a good rhythm with your writing!!! If you ever want me to read anything I’d be honoured (but don’t feel obligated to!!!). Thank you so much again - and if you ever need anything don’t hesitate to ask!! <3 Happy New Year :)

hamburgerbunzz, PYN Blog - Jan 2/22
@ CarolinaSteele - KIRSTEN !! you are such a queen. i am so glad jake kinda introduced us at first in castings and we played all those games together a couple months back because you are such a fun friend to have and such a nice friendly face to see around the website. i feel like we still don't know each other like super well but i honestly would love to like talk more on just a personal level because you are so funny and such a good friend to so many people that i love a lot <3

Jameslu, PYN Blog - Jan 4/22
#CarolinaSteele - So, I wanted to roast you but I just couldn't! You are honestly the best thing that's ever happened to me on this site. I value our friendship so much and I am so glad we met on C&A's Survivor and are now BESTIES FOR THE RESTIES (thank you for not listening to what @ hayden9102 said about me LMAO!). You're an amazing human being and SO GORGEOUS. I guess pretty people attract pretty people haha ;).

Midiaw, PYN Blog - Jan 13/22
@ CarolinaSteele: Kirsten 💗, everything about you is perfect. You are good in games, you are one of the genuine people here, you won’t hesitate to help out a friend and have a good music taste :). You are smart, and also one of the people who loves me the most according to Tengaged algorithm just like Kevin. You deserve 10 gifts everyday. Always be happy queen

Becksta20 & Celsius, PYN opinion blog - Jan 13/22
Beck - girl, you are one of my closest friends here, even if you have the complete opposite taste in music and hate my avatar! I remember meeting this shy little voice on the other end of a call one day and who knew we’d grow so close. You are someone that I always love to talk to and play games with. You’re hilarious and I really love how you have grown as a person over the last year or so! You are someone I can always depend on to bring a considered and usually calm approach to things which is why we work so well together!

Eve - K I R S T E N! You’re literally the best friend I could have met on here! Every time we talk it is nothing but wonderful, and I love and appreciate you so so much. You’ve constantly been there for me, picked me up when I was down, made me feel an incredible level of comfort, and for that I thank you so much! I am so excited and happy to be able to call you a friend, and I cannot wait to see what the future holds with our friendship! I love you so so much!

Celsius, comment on Compliment Blog - Feb 3/22
@ carolinasteele is one of the kindest people I could've ever asked to meet when signing up! Love her the absolute most and I look forward to every conversation we have :) Love you Kirs!

Celsius, PYN Blog - Feb 21/22
@ carolinasteele - KIRSTENNN 💕! You truly are the sweetest human being I could have ever asked to meet on here. I value our friendship so much more than you could ever know. You were the very first person I’ve been able to truly open up to on here regarding my gender identity and struggles, my mental health issues, and just pretty much everything. You’ve always been my number one supporter and I really don’t have any words that can be equivalent to the level of grateful I am for you. Thank you so much for everything you have done and continue doing for me, and thank you for all the laughs, meaningful conversations, and memories we’ve made since becoming friends. I love you so much!

Celsius… again LOL my absolutely hunny - Mar 13/22
carolinasteele - I love quite honestly everything about your existence. I love how support and gentle you are, how genuine and compassionate you are, how you never fail to make people’s days better and how you constantly put smiles on others faces. You’re the definition of a perfect friend

Brayden_, Authentic Opinion Blog - Apr 16/22
carolinasteele - can’t even lie, i don’t think i saw you on this site until our recent castings we’re in. but i’m liking what i’m seeing. you seem to be a genuinely friendly person which is extremely rare on this site. don’t let these clowns strip ya of that ever

matt_thecat, Shoutout to Bradyvivor Blog - June 14/22
I got to say, Bradyvivor is one of the most smoothest seasons I have ever played. It's so well organized and hosted. The production team are friendly, and always make sure we fully know what to do. They are such great hosts and  it's very obvious they have had experience. If you are looking for a Survivor group game, Bradyvivor is the one to play!

NewNightmare7, casting game # - July 25/22
Kirsten - Love hanging out in this castings with you. You are a delight and also a true friend I have come to appreciate. You slay my movie game too like its no tomorrow. Absolutely hope we can play another game soon ❤️❤️

Grocco/Christossss - Sept 20/22
you are not afraid to open up and be vulnerable and in that way you make others be the same way with you... I dont wanna give away too much I think this compliment makes it clear who I am already LOL

Woah, PYN Blog - Sept 28/22
carolinasteele - 9 - you are such a ray of sunshine and it’s very infectious! We haven’t been in any games for a long time now but hopefully that’ll change! I’ve always appreciated and respected how articulate and well spoken you are. It’s obvious you have a heart of gold and I send you nothing but the best of vibes imaginable. ALTHOUGH prepare to lose in Matt’s TAR. 👹

BigBrotherDonny & _Matt, PYN Blog - Nov 4/22
carolinasteele ~
me: i love you so much kirsten. It’s honestly crazy we became friends cause i was so intimidated by you/your friends, but then when matt added you to the chat i was like woah.. she’s actually rly funny and down to earth. i love talking to you, you are so fucking sweet and literally an angel. i feel like i can talk to you about ANYTHING and you really are just so relatable. you deserve everything good in life seriously

matt: one of the sweetest person i had the pleasure to talk w and become a little closer 💖 ur a true angel miss u! hope ur doing well! pure queen
Points: 18 5 comments
Hey stalkers Sep 25, 2020
Points: 15 12 comments