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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

ChadWick92's blogBlog

  1. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2 - Winner
  2. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2 - Finalists
  3. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W10 - Final HOH Part 3
  4. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W10 - Final HOH Part 2
  5. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W10 - Eviction/Final..
  6. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W9 - Veto Meeting
  7. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W9 - Nominations/POV..
  8. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W9 - Eviction/HOH..
  9. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W8 - Veto Meeting
  10. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W8 - Nominations/POV..
  11. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W8 - Eviction/HOH..
  12. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W7 - Veto Meeting
  13. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W7 - Nominations/POV..
  14. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W7 - Eviction/HOH..
  15. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W6 - Veto Meeting
  16. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W6 - Nominations/POV..
  17. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W6 - Eviction/HOH..
  18. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W5 - Veto Meeting
  19. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W5 - Nominations/POV..
  20. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W5 - Eviction/HOH..
  21. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W4 - Veto Meeting
  22. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W4 - Nominations/POV..
  23. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W4 - Eviction/HOH..
  24. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W3 - Veto Meeting
  25. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W3 - Nominations/POV..
  26. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W3 - Eviction/HOH..
  27. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W2 - Veto Meeting
  28. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W2 - Nominations/POV..
  29. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W2 - Eviction/HOH..
  30. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W1 - Veto Meeting
  31. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W1 - Nominations/POV..
  32. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W1 - HOH Competition
  33. Big Brother Wheel Decide - Season 2 [Apps Closed]
  34. Big Brother Wheel Decide Week 8 - Eviction..
  35. Big Brother Wheel Decide Week 7 - Veto..
  36. Big Brother Wheel Decide Week 7 - Nominations/POV..
  37. Big Brother Wheel Decide Week 7 - HOH..
  38. Big Brother Wheel Decide Week 6 - Veto..
  39. Big Brother Wheel Decide Week 6 - Nominations/POV..
  40. Big Brother Wheel Decide Week 6 - HOH..

Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W6 - Nominations/POV Competition

Aug 19, 2021 by ChadWick92

1. Pillan pillan24
2. Jonathan boysofsummer2005
3. Jhoff jhoffheat
4. Mark Supitsmark
5. Thi Thiii [EVICTED]
6. Jimmy Jacadeux [EVICTED]
7. Carter Carjones009 [EVICTED]
8. Luis Luis213243
10. Lexey lexeyjane [EVICTED]
11. Alex AmazingBrick
12. Drew Tester

Head of Household: Drew Tester

It is time to reveal who the Immunity Wheel will land on and who will be safe this week! Immunity is up for grabs for Alex, Mark, and Jonathan! The wheel spins and lands on... Jonathan!

Congratulations, Jonathan, you have immunity for the week which means you cannot be nominated prior to or after the Veto Competition!


Welcome to the Nomination Ceremony!

Drew is the Head of Household and must nominate two houseguests for eviction!

He has decided to nominate Jhoff jhoffheat and Luis Luis213243

Here is what Drew has to say:

"Jhoff, I have a good reason to put you up as you have nominated me in the past. Luis, we just have never talked. Good luck with the power of veto :)"

Let's get into picking some players for the Veto Competition! Drew, Jhoff, and Luis will all compete. The remaining 3 players will be selected by a random draw. The randomly selected players are...

1. Jonathan boysofsummer2005
2. Alex AmazingBrick
3. Pillan pillan24


It is time for the Veto Competition! The winner of the Golden Power of Veto will be safe for the week and have the power to remove one of Drew's nominations from the block!

We got another BB classic in store for you this week and... you guessed right, it's time to play OTEV! In this Otev competition, you will all be asked a question about a previous competition or evicted houseguest and you must go and find the card with the correct answer and bring it back up the slide and present it to Otev! If you are the last player to bring the correct card or you bring the incorrect card, you will be eliminated!

Let's begin!

Round 1:

Otev: Bring me the card that represents the competition revolving around 30 numbers.

Jonathan brings back... Week 2 HOH
Pillan brings back... Week 2 HOH
Luis brings back... Week 2 Veto
Jhoff brings back... Week 2 HOH
Drew brings back... Week 2 HOH
Alex brings back... Week 2 HOH

Otev: The correct answer is Week 2 HOH! Luis, get out of my sight, you have been eliminated!

Round 2:

Otev: Bring me the card that represents the houseguest who got evicted by a vote of 5-2!

Pillan brings back... Lexey
Jonathan brings back... Lexey
Drew brings back... Lexey
Alex brings back... Lexey
Jhoff brings back... Lexey

Otev: The correct answer is Lexey! Jhoff, be gone, you have been eliminated!

Round 3:

Otev: Bring me the card that represents the competition with the massive dart board!

Alex brings back... Week 4 Immunity Madness
Pillan brings back... Week 5 Immunity Madness
Drew brings back... Week 4 Immunity Madness
Jonathan brings back... Week 4 Immunity Madness

Otev: The correct answer is Week 4 Immunity Madness! Pillan, you disgust me, and you have also been eliminated!

Round 4:

Otev: Bring me the card that represents the houseguest that was evicted by the HOH following a tie vote!

Jonathan brings back... Thi
Drew brings back... Thi
Alex brings back... Thi

Otev: The correct answer is Thi! Alex, slow people aren't allowed on my slide! Be gone!

Round 5:

Otev: Bring me the card that represents the only endurance competition and the winner of that competition!

Drew brings back... Week 3 HOH + Mark
Jonathan brings back... Week 3 HOH + Mark

Otev: The correct answer is Week 3 HOH + Mark! Jonathan, you are not strong enough to stay on this slide! Get out!

Congratulations, Drew, you have won the Golden Power of Veto!


Drew Tester, as the first HOH and Veto Holder in the same week of the season, you now hold all of the power this week! Please message me your decision with the POV or if you would like to not use it. If you do use it, please also message me with a replacement nominee. Remember that Jonathan won immunity from the Immunity Wheel and cannot be nominated. Thanks!

Stay on your toes people, we are starting to get down to business now!


1. Jimmy Jacadeux
2. Bwent BWENT


Yay I won OTEV <3 GL nominees :)

I think it is in my best interest to not use the Power of Veto.
Sent by Tester,Aug 19, 2021
I choose to not use the Power of Veto.
Sent by Tester,Aug 19, 2021
CONGRATS on winning OTEV comp! That is awesome. Thank you for safety!!
Sent by Supitsmark,Aug 19, 2021
Congrats Drew!
Sent by pillan24,Aug 19, 2021
Just realized comp was OTEV as well lol
Sent by pillan24,Aug 19, 2021

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