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Tengaged Nov 24, 2012
Its almost been two weeks and I absolutely love Tengaged! Why couldnt I hav found this site earlier in my life haha. This is the perfect combination of BB and Survivor and I can think of very few ways for it to get better
Points: 16 2 comments
Blogging Nov 24, 2012
It seems like my blogs are useless.... Whats the point of blogging when nobody knows you or cares what you say haha. If you are unknown so are your blogs and it sucks but it will only get better by playing games and becoming known :)
Points: 0 0 comments
Strategy? Nov 23, 2012
If I try to be nice to everyone I get evicted but when I allign with people to get to the finals everyone gets pissed. Why is everyone so sensitive with strategies in a game?
Points: 0 0 comments
Post-Survivor 11/21/12 Nov 22, 2012
I am happy with the results from this episode. Thats all I have to say. :)
Points: 0 0 comments
What is this? Nov 20, 2012
I thought Tengaged involved playing a fun BB based game. Not to harass and belittle the people you are playing with. Seeing my friend (whos new at the game) be threatened, sworn at in every other sentence, and reported for being a "multi" without any cause is horrible. Im not naming names but seeing this attacker do these things doesnt make me only feel bad for my friend, but for the person who gets pleasure from torturing people over the internet. Luckily the majority of Tengaged really is here for the fun and the stars are (to my surprise) some of the best ones. Yes, some games might require backstabbing... but thats Big Brother!! These "attackers" on Tengaged need to calm down a little or just go away. Its an online game and your behavior is pathetic.
Points: 2 1 comments
Survivor 11/21/12 Nov 20, 2012
Before survivor airs tomorrow I needed to say that Im so proud of Lisa for aligning with Kalabaw and getting Mike to vote out Artis last week. Thank god that we can see the better people win this show. Bye bye Pete and Abi-Maria!
Points: 0 2 comments