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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

My Birthday

Sep 14, 2010 by CurtisNixon
imageToday, I Turn 18, And in Canada. That is the legal age for everything! So, i can buy my own alchohol, go into sex shops ;). And All that fun stuff. I can even buy smokes, but i dont smoke. So whats the point :P. But on my 18th, what to do, its a tuesday, so bars are closed. I was totally unaware, I guess i should have did reasearch on this stuff :P. I want the full experiance, i got tomorrow off work to be hung over. Sooo... thats the plan.


Why are the bars closed on Tuesdays!?!?!?  Come to MANITOBA... Our Bars NEVER close!   Wooo Hooo

Sent by ILostMyPen,Sep 14, 2010
Happy B-day!!
Sent by Vanili,Sep 14, 2010
Sent by Iqura,Sep 14, 2010
happy birthday, have a good night whatever you do!!
maybe go have some freinds round for drinks and a movie or something and then big drink out on the weekend
Sent by blogs,Sep 14, 2010
You actually have to be 19 to buy smokes.
Sent by The_Domany,Sep 14, 2010
Not here... in Manitoba, 18 to buy smokes and booze.  :)
Sent by ILostMyPen,Sep 14, 2010
yeah thats nuts! bars are never closed here! well, they close at 2am on saturdays to get ready for jesus day. but thats it!
Sent by heyitsmaggee,Sep 14, 2010
Happy Birthday! +11
Sent by Ev32,Sep 14, 2010
Thank you all :) I No it silly they are closed there is one bar open but apparently its really lame. So Why bother.. just wait and go to one that matters :). I Can do the full real thing, sex stores :O ahhahaha. smokes, alchohol. The adult life should be good :) Manitoba Eh, :P May have to visit. :) Im kinda shy of bars, but i will have to make it too a gay bar, but i can go to regular bars with my friends, but ill save the gay bar for me and my boyfriend :). Im Soooooo excited! 18 Is Good :)
Sent by CurtisNixon,Sep 14, 2010

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