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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Getting the hang of this.

Jun 1, 2011 by DoYouFeelLikeWeDo
Sweet, I'm not sucking as bad as I was earlier! Only moderately better. But I'll take it over nothing. Now what shall I do, just sit back and wait to randomly get plussed? Or shall I write something else?

I'll write something else.

Meeting new people, making friends. There is some drama going on over negs, which in fastings really doesn't matter since the POV is Nerfed into an almost triviality until the final 6. I don't understand the point behind even having plus-minus comments in fastings. I guess it's a catalyst for creating drama if anything, but it seems so artificial. My alliances don't seem to last, but I'm figuring out strategies with voting and all that which should help. Fastings is pretty much raw strategy, once the inactives are gone. But as I said, I'm not here to make enemies. I don't care if it's good strategy or not, but I would much rather lose a game without severely offending somebody than win and making an enemy for life. (I'm talking about swearing and trash talk, not gameplay. If you get voted off because of my alliance, it's not personal, it's just business, and I hope you're mature enough to handle it.)

I wish there was an easy, readily available wiki or rule guide for noobs who are jumping up from fastings to castings to other games. It's quite hard to understand without just jumping in and playing.

And also, I hope to die peacefully in my sleep, like my grandfather. Not panicked and screaming like the passengers on my grandfather's bus.


sorry man the real reason why i vote u out because u where a good player and a good person and bold suck i never won 1st place and this is my shot if i ever play u again i make sure i plus +1 an make sure u get 1st place ok no hard feeling bro
Sent by VERNON17,Jun 5, 2011

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