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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Two suggestions and ground rules for interaction with me

May 2, 2016 by DrakeFeatherwing
imageI got a couple of suggestions that will make #casting / #fasting  games move a little quicker:

1. A "Drop out" button that is only available while queuing for a fasting or fast mode game. The reason for this is that not everyone's playing in the afternoon, for some it may be late at night and they're about to go to sleep... This will allow for more actives in a game and more action...

2. An early start vote. If, after 90 minutes in the queue, there's at least 50%+1 people waiting to play, a vote can be triggered, and if 50%+1 of those there and active vote yes, the game can start early. Again, this is helpful because fastings should live up to their name and be FAST. Not crawl for 2.5, 3 hours waiting for 15 people to be in the room.

Now for a few ground rules for interacting with me OUTSIDE of a game.

1. Do NOT ask me for nudes, I do not do that type of thing, and I WILL ignore and report you.

2. Be respectful to me, and I'll be respectful to you, that goes without saying. Troll and be trolled, flame and be flamed.

3. If you AMA, no lewd questions. If you do, I will just ignore it (put ... as the reply) and move on to the next.

Other than that, I hope to see you in game!

(Also, feel free to leave additions/critiques/changes about my suggestions, but remember to follow #2 for outside interactions, please and thank you!)


Yeah... No. See #1. I don't care if that was sarcastic, you just don't do it. And please, if you're gonna downvote, do it on the merits of the suggestions, not because I don't necessarily care for your lewd requests.
Sent by DrakeFeatherwing,May 2, 2016

The site used to be

ALSO there used to be a "drop out" button but people abused it and would always leave and join games causing alot of glitches LOL :)
Sent by nicklove09,May 2, 2016
Ah. Well then makes sense that it isn't there then! Thanks for letting me know nicklove09. I guess a change that could be made would be, if you clicked the button, it wouldn't let you back in that particular casting/fasting and would put you in a new/different room. Or it could cost T$ (scaling up starting at 5.00 T$ and going up 2.50 T$ per # of times used in a 24h period.
Sent by DrakeFeatherwing,May 2, 2016

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