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This too shall pass

Posts 155 posts

Britney got real shampoo! Aug 20, 2010
She got it in her HoH basket and now her hair looks better than ever! Thank God that she's the last girl standing!

And just for fun, please plus my design?
Points: 9 0 comments
Last ditch effort Aug 20, 2010
well, it seems like votes have slowed down on my design and it won't make auction, but I might as well not give up until it's over, right?

Please plus!

I actually put some effort into it and it looks pretty good on the avatars.
Points: 0 0 comments
Wow...lame people Aug 19, 2010
There are wayyy too many people who just sit around and neg designs for no reason. I understand negging stolen designs or ones that don't work, but really?

I'm glad people get their shits and giggles out of anonymously being tools to people they've never met. Do you really have NOTHING better to do? It's like even lamer than trolling because nobody knows who did it.

Oh well. Plus my design in retaliation? Hahaha
Points: 5 1 comments
First Design!! Aug 19, 2010
imagePlease plus my design! I would love to see it make it onto someone.
Points: 12 0 comments
Cuh-RAZY week in BB12! Aug 17, 2010
Okay, not to spoil anything for anyone who doesn't keep up with the live feeds or anything, but it is going to be REALLY interesting to see who goes home this week. What with the Diamond Power of Veto hanging around, nobody is safe...but I hope the house gets rid of the right person...
Points: 25 4 comments
I just can't get over Ragan and Britney...or "Ragney" Aug 11, 2010
Okay, at the beginning of the season when I thought Britney was a bitch, I could not have been MORE wrong. I think she is probably the funniest person in the house, fiercely competitive and really smart. Oh, and she and I share a personality.

And don't get me started on Ragan...he could not be doing a better job of avoiding Saboteur suspicion. I really hope the two of them can dodge the Brigade and win this game.

This season, it's taken me longer to decide who I really would like to see go far, but it's settled!
Points: 48 6 comments