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Favs Blogs[[:

Posts 24 posts

i Need Help! Oct 11, 2010
imageCan anyone tell me how too make hair!? Every time I try making it, it says it has too be transparent or something like that then i fix and and it still doesnt work i need help badly plz help!!

thee pic is thee hair i want too make.
Points: 8 5 comments
FUN Sep 25, 2010
imageF is for friends who do stuff together U is for you and me N is for anyone at anytime at all down here in thee deep blue sea.. lalalalalalalalalalalalaa F is for fire to burn down thee whole world U is for uranium bomb N is for no survivors --- Plankton thats not thee defintion for Fun here let me teach it too you
F is for freinds who do stuff together U is for You and me N is for anyone at anytime at all down here in thee deep blue sea!!
-i  have this song stuck in my head ha ha:DD
Points: 11 8 comments
What CLASS Really Means[[: Sep 7, 2010
Class Means..
-lol plz pluss if youu agree like this if not plz dont neg.
Points: 0 0 comments
What CLASS Really Means[[: Sep 7, 2010
Class Means..
-lol plz pluss if youu like this if not plz dont neg.
Points: 2 2 comments
VolleyBall Game[[: Sep 7, 2010
imageOkay so i had my first volleyball game today..:D We played three games in all.! We did really good for the very first game:D WE WON:D Yay.. But for the second game we didnt do as well we werent as focused and we lost:[ Now Finnally thee very last game we played we only lost by a couple points. We Could have won if it wasnt for thee stupid judge! thee ball was out by a foot and she still said it was in:[ also they had a really good server on their side! But we tried our hardest and did good.! oh and this ball came to me and i went and hit it and it hit me right in thee face i guess it was just getting revenge from wen we hit it all thee time.. well thats my story of my first volleyball game[[:
P.s thee picture of thee volleyball is red because red and black are my skool colors[[: WooHoo Go Lionss!!!
Points: 0 3 comments
Volleyball!!! Sep 7, 2010
Today is my very first volleyball game.! we are going against a skool named edison[[: i made it on b team[a team being best, b being second best, c being third best and d being not so good]but i might get moved to a. anyways i hope we win tonight if not at least we tried our hardest.:]] ill blog more l8r when i find out if i win or not wish me luck[[:
-- Plz pluss i would really apperciate it.
Points: 14 2 comments