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The Flipside's blog

Posts 22 posts

FAMOUS FIRSTS (#1) Feb 24, 2009
In this series of blogs, titled 'Famous Firsts', I will be posting the first ever blog of various 'famous', 'infamous' or 'celebrity' Tengagers... but there may be some obscure ones too.
"TITLE :: 'I Just want to say I LOVE THIS WEBSITE!!!!!!!!!'
I'm so happy i found this website and met some very nice people, anyone have any tips for me playing the game since I am new here?"
I encourage you to guess who they are! :) Or do a little bit of detective work. Oh, and I might give you a clue if you ask nicely..
Points: 69 11 comments
The RIHANNA And CHRIS BROWN Heresay! Feb 24, 2009
imageSo if you didn't already know, R'n'B star Chris Brown bashed Rihanna (his girlfriend) up.
Turned himself into police after he heard he was a suspect.
Paid 50,000 bail.
Put his Facebook status as "you'll begin to see her true colours, know it".
Made a half ass apology.
And has apparently hurt Rihanna before.
Rihanna was 'annoyed' and 'angered' by Chris Brown's apology.
But generally tried not to say anything.
Her father said a few words, and so did her friend Jay-Z.
There have been rumours flying that she cheated on Chris, gave him herpes, and a bunch of ridiculous stuff that tried to make an excuse for him to hit her.
I can just say that no one really knows what happened, none of us gossips and fans know them personally, so we don't know what they would or wouldn't do.
I am kinda annoyed with a lot of the blame put on Rihanna though - you don't know if she didn't anything wrong, and it seems Chris Brown was the one who punched her in the face and bit her fingers..
Even more annoying is that now Rihanna says she still loves Chris, and they have apparently met in secret once already and are planning a rendezvous.
They are going to get back together!
What the hell!
Here I thought she could become a speaker against domestic violence!
Anyway, that's all the 'scoop' I have.
I wish that there wasn't so much violence and hate in the world - I still can't believe she would take him back.
Goodluck and love to all Tengaged users and people in the world (except for rapists, murderers, paedophiles, abusers, stalkers, thugs, taggers, and people who play lawn balls)
P.S If you can find an article link or a photo of Rihanna, please post it in the comments!
Points: 67 2 comments
OMFG!! Feb 22, 2009
I am logged in right now from school.
Lesson 3.
I should really not be on here right nooowwwww.
Okay, I actually gotta do work now and try not to get caught.
Cya guys, I might log on at lunch... doubt it.
Points: 0 2 comments
To the new users or old users or friggin' anyone Feb 21, 2009
This is me reiterating a comment I just left on a blog by a 'MissBitch', so now it's addressed to all of Tengaged.
This is ridiculous.
We do NOT need another HollyJ, or Meowmilk, or KingMac.
If your only here to be a dumb bitch and stir shit up then leave.
We got enough of this already, and I'm sure there is a fairly large amount of Tengagers on here that are bloody sick of it.
I am over the misfits and the plastics.
We should just be people, without the stereotypes and cliques.
And don't say you know everything about Tengaged just because you've watched the dumb-ass wars... some of that stuff just should not be Tengaged -- A lot of you weren't actually around when this stuff happened, and most of it is hearsay and stuff anyway...
I know, you wanna gossip and bitch, but the way we keep on attacking each other and complaining is getting so sad and stupid.
I mean, your not always gonna get along with someone, you won't like everyone, but that doesn't mean you gotta hate and it doesn't mean you can't try.
Try to remember that we're all people, and we act differently on the Internet than in real life in most cases - but is that a right to be a victimising cow or something? I don't think so..
Okay, I'm kinda ranting now and maybe not making much sense so I'll stop.
Just getting a little frustrated, ya know.
Points: 63 8 comments
Everywhere is America Jr. Feb 20, 2009
While every country has it's own background, culture, and special things about them -- Everywhere seems to be being 'Americanised'.
It makes me feel funny to see Australia, Britain, etcetera, spelling things with the "US English" instead of the "UK English"..
There is only one fast food place I can think of that is actually Australian is Red Rooster, and they're pretty small compared to KFC and McDonalds - not that we need more junk.
And America seems to export more of their crap than their genius, don't ya think?
I mean, didn't Australia end up with an education system that was tried and failed in America?
I don't mean to nit pick, or 'bully' America - I haven't been there but I am sure it is equal to other countries, but sometimes I just think 'what the'..
P.S -- My opinion on this may change, it's kinda like a random thought.
Points: 17 3 comments
Homework... Feb 20, 2009
Who wants to do my Science homework for me!?
I'm so advanced compared to Year 9 schoolwork I don't know how to do it! :o
Science - 'Find out why whales are in danger of becoming extinct and find out the steps that are being taken to protect them'...
'Draw an underwater scene showing a lobster, jellyfish, and squid, protecting themselves from predators'...
'List 6-8 careers related to animals living in the worlds waterways and give a brief description of each jobs requirements.'
I also got SOSE and Music and stuff to do.
Points: 7 6 comments