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All Tea, No Shade

Posts 32 posts

New Haircut May 14, 2014
imageNew  #haircut for the #Summer #Gay #Gayboy #GayGuy
Points: 86 4 comments
Most Drama Filled Fasting Ever Jan 19, 2014

This game was filled with drama, backstabbing, and even forgiveness.

I just want to say that I clearly played the better game, along with Jake, and I am so glad he trusted me and got rid of the disloyal and backstabbers bb12britney and IhasFood

And thank you both JakeD for trusting me and for WolfStrike1998 for switching to my side.

I hope Wolf gets 1st since she made final 3 on her first game ever on Tengaged. WELCOME AND GOOD LUCK!
Points: 0 1 comments
Haters Gonna Hate Jan 16, 2014
bradyspaulding16 posted "I'm still playing it right now it's my first one and I accidently did bad in a challenge so I have my whole tribe that is now telling at me like Frommie and if u can help me u can get this mean person banned and when I threw the challenge I'm just like thanks for being so mean

He is a awful person and I'm just putting that out there"

Yet this person used the R word against me and against Tevin1001 , he also didn't listen to his tribe causing us to go to tribal council a second day (most likely) and didn't do a challenge two days in a row.
Furthermore, when I called him out on his blog post he deleted my comment because he wants to look right. In my opinion, he should be the person banned. He uses offensive language like the R word and said, in the Survivor game (which you can look at for proof) that he was doing bad in challenges so the other tribe wins. Both of those things are truly reasons to be banned. Not just being mad/mean to someone who doesn't listen.
Points: 18 4 comments
Premade for Frookies Jan 12, 2014
It is time that I go into a Frookies and play with a premade just like everyone else does on this God Forsaken sight. Who wants to join me?

LeoLion365 AnimalPunkz RobertGuajardo NinJohn DHucking_Quacks
Points: 36 5 comments
I wanna play survivor Jan 10, 2014
But they are filled with premades and I will be voted out 1st. Or it'll be a new tribe vs. a premade and we'll all get voted out
Points: 12 1 comments
I am taking Orgo 1 Jan 9, 2014
Someone please kill me

#FloridaStateUniversity #FloridaState #FSU #OrganicChemistry #Organic #Chemistry #Chem #Hard #Miserable #KillMe #KillMeNow
Points: 13 5 comments