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The Ghoul's blog

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Ranking Survivor Seasons: #15 May 23, 2014
imagerecently finished a very long process of rewatching every survivor season in order and will be doing writeups as i rank them from worst to first. after I finish these up I will be redoing my top 39 characters that I did a long time ago, and then i am leaving this site forever and ever


15- China

China is a very interesting season. It has a unique theme to it with all the elements of Chinese culture and has a pretty solid cast overall. Courtney, James, Jaime, Jean-Robert, among others are all characters that I really enjoyed and the Jaime’s rise and fall, coupled with James ONE OF DESEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, which happens to be my single favorite confessional that I can think of (Only MAHHHHTY…you preppy little bitch can compete with it) and you have the makings of a really good season which I won’t deny that China is.

Again just a look at my favorites from it:
Courtney- One of the funniest contestants the show has ever had
James- hilarious, he doesn’t get enough credit as one of the funniest people the show has cast
Jaime- Another funny one, I love her story arc
Peih-Gee- she's so annoying but in a funny way
Jean-Robert- Funny douchebag
Leslie- Sweet, lovable premerge mom type which is my favorite archetype
Dave- Crazy douchebag
Ashley- Funny character whose entire arc is built on being sick and then trashing the crazy douchebag all the way up until she is voted out

With all that said, China has all the makings of a good season but it never really ties it all together for me. Part of that is probably because Todd isn’t my favorite, Amanda is literally an attractive sack of emptiness, Denise is painful to watch, Peih-Gee is cool but I wasn't rooting for her to win, and even though I love Courtney I didn’t want her to win all that much, which leaves the final four as a group of people I didn’t really want to win. China is a good season and has all the makings of a great season, and I can see why people love it more than I do, but like Tocantins it never puts it all together for me. Great individual pieces but not my favorite as a whole.

Favorite Moment:
She pulled out a fake thong and I was like, WHATCHU MEAN?! That aunt got the written on it! You gut to have sum thin!! - How bout... one of DESEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Favorite Character: Tie between Courtney and James

Remaining Seasons:
Borneo, Australia, Africa, Marquesas, Thailand, Amazon, Pearl Islands, Vanuatu, Palau, Panama, Fiji, Nicaragua, Philippines, Blood vs. Water

Hint for 14: One of the original seven seasons and one that swapped spots with China several times during the lead up to this blog

obscurity steel best ilovesleep bostonrob_ massgustavo95 prada lachie227 carterbehne electraviv blueu22 etaco75 lemjam6 euro patrick319
Points: 100 8 comments
Ranking Survivor Seasons: #16 May 23, 2014
imagerecently finished a very long process of rewatching every survivor season in order and will be doing writeups as i rank them from worst to first. after I finish these up I will be redoing my top 39 characters that I did a long time ago, and then i am leaving this site forever and ever


16- Heroes vs. Villains
The second all returning player season bites the dust. Heroes vs. Villains is an interesting season that is very similar to Micronesia in how I view it, though it has a much better, and definitely fairer, ending. It actually brings back a pretty great cast filled with legitimate stars both from the original seasons and some of the newer seasons.

Its pros are pretty apparent, there are some great tribal councils and the cast is stacked with fantastic characters and Amanda. There aren’t many weak points in the cast and they cover most of the must haves and most of them don’t disappoint. It does pay homage to some huge characters that go out early, giving nice storylines to legends like Tom and Boston Rob, especially to Tom, who easily could have been neglected due to his early exit. It also has one of my favorite winner storylines with Sandra taking Russell to the cleaners and pretty much shitting on him the entire way. Like in Samoa, Russell seizes up most of the airtime but at least in this season it really doesn’t try to disguise the fact that he’s a freaking idiot making blunder after blunder for no real reason other than to pump up his ego and make him feel like he’s intelligent. Heroes vs. Villains builds him up and knocks him down perfectly, pretty much with the best character possible to take down douchebags in Sandra (see JFP).

But the season does put a huge emphasis on Russell and he takes up a lot of time that could have been spread throughout the cast. Huge comedic forces like Courtney and Tyson are pretty much scrapped, Cirie goes early and that’s a giant buzzkill even if her blindside was pretty epic, the Colby/Jerri storyline was pushed to the side and the final conclusion wasn’t even shown in the show but instead in ‘secret scenes’ and Colby was a huge punching bag for a lot of the season which really makes me conflicted. It really puts a sour taste in the mouth to leave a lot of stuff out and focus on Russell, even though he was more of a joke in this season I still loathed him every time he spoke.

All in all it’s a good season but one that leaves a lot to be desired for me. But this season is definitely returnees done right, but returnee seasons don’t really do it for me as all of them have been eliminated before the halfway point besides BvW.

Favorite Character: A tough battle between Coach and Sandra, I’ll say it’s a tie between them but maybe slightly favoring Sandra.

Hint for 15: A season with 16 contestants

obscurity steel best ilovesleep bostonrob_ massgustavo95 prada lachie227 carterbehne electraviv blueu22 etaco75 lemjam6
Points: 71 8 comments
Ranking Survivor Seasons: #17 May 23, 2014
imagerecently finished a very long process of rewatching every survivor season in order and will be doing writeups as i rank them from worst to first. after I finish these up I will be redoing my top 39 characters that I did a long time ago, and then i am leaving this site forever and ever


17- Micronesia
Micronesia is probably the flashiest season of Survivor. It’s stocked with blindsides and big moments and filled with nonstop unpredictability. I really enjoyed the favorites for the most part, it avoided the legacy damage that happened in All Stars, and arguably improved characters like Ozzy, Amanda, Parvati, and Penner for me, all of whom I was rather meh on in their first incarnations. It produced great new characters like the godly Jason Siska, Krazy Kathy, Erik, and even Natalie/Alexis in the few brief moments they were shown. The blindsides are funny and the f$($%## stick, Ozzy’s demise, Jason’s second demise, and Erik’s demises are some of the best tribal councils Survivor has had. The positives of Micronesia are really out in full force and it delivers far more than its counterpart Caramoan and is a very good season.

But Micronesia does have its drawbacks. While there are huge events and !’s all over the season, the flash covers up a rather weak base. The season very much has a feel of all flash and no substance, has there are quite a few ignored characters and even a lot of the major characters didn’t get a ton of personal development and were just cogs in a blindside machine, which is fun and all but not the makings of one of the best seasons.

Another thing that weighs it down heavily is the sudden, unexpected final two that ends up giving Parvati the victory. It was such a blindside that it sent the end game into a tail spin and gave us a winner who was securely out of the running in the final three the players had planned for. Had the game occurred naturally and had a final three Cirie (most likely) or Amanda would have had the votes to take it. Parvati winning is fine, her Micronesia incarnation is my favorite of her three appearances, but she won the game by playing a game that should have given her third place. When a seasons ending is botched so badly it leaves a bad taste in the mouth, when really you should be happy or at least content with how a season plays out.

Overall I enjoyed the season quite a bit, more than I did previously, but it still has its weaknesses and for the most part is highly overrated by the general fan base.

Favorite Moment: Hard to pick. Jason and the stick, Ozzy’s blindside, Jason’s blindside directly after Ozzy was blindsided the exact same way, Erik giving up immunity, there are a ton of fun moments. I’ll go with Jason and the Stick though.

Favorite Character: It’s close between Jason and Kathy, but I give the edge to Jason.

Hint for number 16: This season featured someone from the Heroes tribe

obscurity steel best ilovesleep bostonrob_ massgustavo95 prada lachie227 carterbehne electraviv blueu22 (please comment once in a while because tags are scarce and I don't want to use them if I don't have to)
Points: 122 18 comments
Ranking Survivor Seasons: #18 May 22, 2014
imagerecently finished a very long process of rewatching every survivor season in order and will be doing writeups as i rank them from worst to first. after I finish these up I will be redoing my top 39 characters that I did a long time ago, and then i am leaving this site forever and ever


18- Tocantins
Tocantins is a season loaded with comedy, as any season with Coach and Tyson on it will be. The season’s strengths are its strong characters like Coach, Tyson, Taj, Erinn etc. Coach and Tyson are constantly bringing hilarity and Tocantins Coach is one of my all-time favorite single season characters who can carry a season on his own. Coach is literally a deity. I enjoy the season’s location and I am bigger JT fan than most, especially of him in Tocantins.

But it’s a season that doesn’t really tie it all together. It has great pieces and moments but the season as a whole is lacking. It is certainly a solid Survivor season and doesn’t have any real complains, but I wish it could have been stronger. I’m not sure if that’s the beginning of the edit decaying or what, but it’s slight noticeably and it’s certainly directly followed by the advent of shoddy Survivor editing. But it’s still a solid season that is fun to watch and introduces massive characters in the franchise and can easily get you laughing.

Favorite Character: Coach is the runaway winner

Hint for 17: An even numbered season

obscurity steel best massgustavo95 bostonrob_ prada lachie227 carterbehne electraviv ilovesleep andthentherewasone
Points: 55 8 comments
Ranking Survivor Seasons: #19 May 22, 2014
imagerecently finished a very long process of rewatching every survivor season in order and will be doing writeups as i rank them from worst to first. after I finish these up I will be redoing my top 39 characters that I did a long time ago, and then i am leaving this site forever and ever

finally into good seasons, fuck spencer bledsoe

19- Gabon
Gabon is probably a surprising season to see this low. On my rewatches it was the season to take the biggest drop. While watching I found it a bit too dark for my liking. The season just really has a negative vibe that made me not like it as much as previously. It also features a cast that had several characters who just never really clicked with me like Kenny, Sugar, and Susie, all three who were huge characters in the grand scheme of things. And Bob’s win, while nice, just didn’t resonate with me that much and the final 5 wasn’t comprised of any one I really loved.

But to its credit Gabon also has some fantastic moments, is very funny, and has two of my favorite characters of all time in Randy and Crystal. Pretty much whenever one of those two were on the screen something funny was guaranteed to happen. Corinne has a great moment in her jury speech, Marcus toppling was good TV even if it was a moment I wish didn’t happen, and GC is a goldmine of humor.

I get why a lot of people love the season but for me it just didn’t do it. Not a bad season at all and I can see having it way, way higher. Overall I like Gabon but not as much as other seasons or as much as I used to.

Favorite Character: Randy. Crystal comes in second but Randy is great.

obscurity steel best massgustavo95 bostonrob_ prada lachie227 electraviv carterbehne

Hint for 18: A season with a famous coach
Points: 90 14 comments
Ranking Survivor Seasons: #20 May 22, 2014
imagerecently finished a very long process of rewatching every survivor season in order and will be doing writeups as i rank them from worst to first. after I finish these up I will be redoing my top 39 characters that I did a long time ago, and then i am leaving this site forever and ever

finally into good seasons, fuck spencer bledsoe

20- Guatemala
We’re now officially into seasons that I like. Guatemala ends up at the bottom of the like pile for several reasons. The pros to the season are a good winner, fantastic location (my second favorite to Africa), and an overall solid cast that doesn’t have a lot of weak points.

With those pros there are a few slight cons as well. Though the season has a good cast it lacks any real stars to drive the narrative (fuck spencer). Danni is my favorite but she is underedited as both a player and a character, partially because she hid her strategy and motivations from the cameras. Lydia would be fantastic but the edit mostly buried her, Cindy is cool but not someone who stands out as a big character, Jaime and Bobby Jon are fun but nothing too special and both are out early in the jury stage. The season is also weighted with some huge deadweight, namely Stephenie who doesn’t really contribute much other than completely wrecking her persona from Palau as her true colors are shown without the benefit of the greatest underdog story in Survivor. (Fuck Spencer)

Altogether Guatemala is a solid season without a ton of faults, but I didn’t enjoy it as much as the others.

Favorite Character: Danni, love her and love the winning story.

Hint for 19: probably will be an unpopular decision and fuck spencer

obscurity steel clone best porschefan101 massgustavo95 @woowasrobbed bostonrob_ prada lachie227

Points: 119 13 comments