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Harley's blog

  1. Why is my inbox empty?
  2. #JusticeForBonifacino
  3. Every vote to save
  4. When having a charity,
  5. Who was the top though?
  6. How gorgeous is
  7. Come play 1st HoH charity!
  8. Last chance to gift me
  10. PYN
  11. Is this a multi?
  12. Some people's lives
  13. Some of you bitches
  14. Sooo which TGers
  15. Fuck Biden; Fuck Trump
  16. Can we agree that both Stars nominees
  17. Gracias guapa
  18. OMG TYSM
  19. Who wants to play flakes for me
  20. long live TG!!!!!11
  21. Thanks for the gift mister xx
  22. Does anyone here dumpster dive?
  23. Good morning everyone!
  24. Gift the gown to
  25. As of today
  26. It's the second charity being ruined by him
  27. Why do so many of you have issues though?
  28. Why is
  29. is tengaged a cult?
  30. I never got why people comment on blogs w/o..
  31. Miss Princess is out there
  32. Do I owe anyone a gift?
  33. Who wants to make up?
  34. Is it possible
  35. Is it me or
  36. I booked holidays to Cabo Verde
  37. Happy Friday
  38. Awee hello haters negging my blogs
  39. We are redhair for cherry
  40. Anyone interested in a gift?

Last comments

  1. Opulence in "Why is my inbox empty?" 1 day
  2. brunodrads in "Why is my inbox empty?" 1 day
  3. BbDamian in "Why is my inbox empty?" 1 day
  4. Harley in "Why is my inbox empty?" 1 day
  5. BbDamian in "Why is my inbox empty?" 1 day
  6. Diva_ in "#JusticeForBonifacino" 1 day
  7. Harley in "Join castings y'all!" 3 days
  8. Harley in "Join castings y'all!" 3 days
  9. Harley in "CASTINGS LETS GO" 3 days
  10. cazweet in "Every vote to save" 9 days
  11. Staceyxo in "Every vote to save" 9 days
  12. LizzoBigGirl in "Every vote to save" 9 days
  13. Kimistry in "Every vote to save" 9 days
  14. Harley in "When having a charity," 10 days
  15. Hyuna in "When having a charity," 10 days


Posts 1317 posts

20th and 1st in one day HAHA Feb 5, 2010
Lol, i won my first 20th place today! AN PROUD HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Lol i did come 1st in my other game so probs the reason im not pissed about it ;)

Points: 17 3 comments
MUAHAHA Feb 4, 2010
MONEY MONEY MONEY mwah mwah mwah!

as you can see i want T$ HAHA... gues i shud start focusing on winning some more lol

Points: 15 2 comments
Do they work?? Jan 31, 2010
the free T$ survey thingies? cos otherwise i ent doing n e thing that could harm my laptop :/
Points: 9 5 comments
Whats a good score in numbers?? Jan 31, 2010
Just wondering cos iv had like 200 or something before and dodge being up, and the other day had like 300 and was up =/

Points: 25 4 comments
Inactive has done it again! :@ Jan 28, 2010
I was evicted over someone who has been absent for TWO FRICKEN DAYS... nothing more irritating doncha think... it literally comes down to DO NOT FAIL THE COMPETITION!


Points: 0 0 comments
Nothing more nervewracking... Jan 28, 2010
... than waiting for the evictions results when youre up :O

i do kinda love it PAHAHAHA

Points: 10 0 comments