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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

I miss normalcy

Aug 23, 2020 by Hayley_M
There are so many different things here that I will talk about another day, but I can’t help but feel so down about how things have been going in the world. I live in the USA, and all these things that we once knew as “normal”, now are closed, or just so different! I’m kinda introverted and enjoy it that way mostly lol. BUT now I realize how much I have been missing not living my life prior to the shutdowns and Covid crap. I respectfully wear my mask and social distance still.

Anyways not gonna bore ya with all this talk about it but I just know a lot of people are missing being able to see their families, run into a store quick without it being a huge ordeal of sanitizing excessively etc.

Stay well friends!


Sent by sportsgeek12,Aug 23, 2020
me too
Sent by jakehou97,Aug 23, 2020
same here girl!
Sent by franzella,Aug 23, 2020

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