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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

20 ways to tell if your a nerd part 2 xD

Jul 2, 2009 by ImBlack
1.when your friends at school ask you "what did you do on your weekend?" and you have to reply played on the computer, or try and make up a lie that you had a wonderful time out with your friends...

2. when you are asked "do you have a boyfriend?" and you have to answer: "Well, yes, I have a lives in Calgary, the other, Minnesota, the other New Zealand.."
3.when all you can muster up for a good conversation with your friends is "So what do you think about that" or "Have you seen my hpage recently?"

4. when the only sexual experiences you've made ended with a .com or a .org.
5. when your fingers are stronger than your arms and your only tan originates from watching a monitor glow.

6. when you hear a joke and start show your amusement by saying *rolflol*

7.when asked to give your address, you don't think twice before rattling off your e-mail address instead of your postal address.

8. when you suddenly need a calculator, and too lazy to go get your own, start looking for a JAVA calculator on the net. [And find it ! - Personal experience]
9.when you flunk english at school by writing your exam paper in HTML.
10. when you make a mistake putting on your makeup and immediately want to do a Ctrl-Z. (Undo)

11. when your family offers to put a sleeping bag next to your computer. [It happened on one of my last three in a row all nighters *(Chatting & doing my page)*]

12. when all of your friends have @ in their names.

13. when the TV stopped working a month ago and you didn't notice.

14. when your dog has his own homepage.
                                                                        15. when you have a network in your spare bedroom.

16. when you don't understand why the local 7-11 does not accept Cybercash.

17. when all of your closest friends live out of state...or country, and you still talk to them every day.

18. when you start a RL conv. and want to abbv. yr words.

19. when you didn't know what your boy/girlfriend looked like until he/she sent you a pic.

20. when you introduce yourself in RL using your online handle.

Heres part 1 if you didn't read it:


i am none of those things, and none on the other list
Sent by Frozen,Jul 2, 2009
everybody has at least one thing on there
Sent by shandaleer,Jul 3, 2009

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