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Posts 63 posts

Answers- Big Brother Quotes May 7, 2012
"Floaters grab a life vest!" BB12- Rachel

"Chima is a Diva!" BB11- Chima

"I can't find an individual to hate, because I hate you all!!!" BB7- Will

"I'm gonna make you the most miserable bitch in this house! >:(" BB8- Dick

"Bye bye bitches!" BB6- Janelle

"You have no respect for women!" BB6- Ivette

"Let's play a game of Veto Roulette." BB10- Dan

"You can't spell America without Eric!" BB8- Eric

"You will always be Judas in my eyes." BB10- Jerry

"I'm gonna get a special power!" BB13- Lawon

If you have placed your answers on the previous blog entry, tell me your votes.
0- Worst
1- Terrible
2- Bad
3- Pretty bad
4- Pretty average
5- Average
6- Above average
7- Good
8- Great
9- Excellent
10- Perfect Bbdamian will supply you with a gift if you PM him :)
Points: 0 0 comments
Who said these Big Brother quotes? Get 10/10 for a prize! :) May 7, 2012
"Floaters grab a life vest!" BB12

"Chima is a Diva!" BB11

"I can't find an individual to hate, because I hate you all!!!" BB7

"I'm gonna make you the most miserable bitch in this house! >:(" BB8

"Bye bye bitches!" BB6

"You have no respect for women!" BB6

"Let's play a game of Veto Roulette." BB10

"You can't spell America without Eric!" BB8

"You will always be Judas in my eyes." BB10

"I'm gonna get a special power!" BB13
Points: 25 2 comments
Your dream holiday? May 7, 2012
Where is your dream holiday and why? :)
Points: 0 0 comments
Best Way To Stop Procrastination? May 3, 2012
Post your opinions below, let's help each other out!
For me:
-Turn off wifi if task doesn't require internet
-Turn on security for only educational sites
-Turn off phone, ipod, any distractions
-Go into a quite room and tell everyone not to distract me- make sure they don't distract you on purpose
-Close door, and don't keep any thing distracting in room
-Break the task into breaks- 10 minutes, 2 minute break. Rinse and repeat
Points: 22 3 comments
If I get 100 points May 2, 2012
I will get a tattoo saying "Tengaged" on wherever one lucky randomly selected commenter suggests :)
Points: 133 16 comments
What would you do- fun game (: May 2, 2012
In the scenarios below! I think this could lead to some fun discussions :D
Feel free to post your own scenarios too!
1. You are an adult male in your early 20's, having your 10 year primary school reunion. At this moment, a boy who used to be bully pulls out a gun and says he will make everyone pay for what they have done to him! He starts to massacre everyone, and you notice he has hired assassins to cover every exit of the hall that the reunion is held in. SOLVE IT
2. You are an elderly man on a bus on a long journey. You are going on a silent road with no other cars, and then the bus tips over and you, the bus driver and the other five passengers are all slammed onto the roof as the bus tilts 180 degrees. You can't feel your legs, and can't move. You see a phone is a few metres/feet in reach, but your arm is stuck under a seat that has slammed into your arm, so you can't move to get it. SOLVE IT
3. You are a teenaged female in high school, and you have been locked in your classroom on the last day of school for the term (potentially 2 weeks of holidays!) and everyone has gone home. You are on the top floor of the building. One side of the room has windows that lead to a very large drop, the other side of the room has a strong door that is locked and unable to break. There is no key. SOLVE IT
Points: 0 0 comments