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Jockin' on em

Posts 1702 posts

Amanda/Jessie fight. Aug 2, 2013
Comment about which one sounds like a bully.


J: You're a f'n bully. Just because she has big tits doesn't mean she is less of a bully.


J: You're so nice, Amanda. You have such a loving kind heard

A; wait wait wait, Nice. The only reason Im angry w/you Jessie is because you came up with a cockamamie plan and you schemed to get me out of the house

H: Why are you mad a me?

J: SO now you are gonna gang up on me, both of you

A: No this is all you, don't play the VICTIM, Jessie. You're f'n card. I'm gonna make you a f'n shirt. "America, please make a shirt for Jessie, I am a victim" w/Jessies f'n face underneath it

Its easy for you to say bully. Im a bully? No, Im pissed cause you tried to flip the house on me, twice. So go f' yourself Jessie. Thats not me being a bully, its me defending myself. Go f' yourself

oh and guess what, think that Mccrae is the sexiest guy in the house and that you check him out all the time

J: obviously your insecurities speak for themselves, Amanda

A: Oh I'm so f'n insecure, I'm so insecure

J: Yeah, you really are

A: Go hit on somebody else' guy. Oh and all the woman out there, please be aware that this woman likes to snatch up your husband. HIDE YOUR HUSBANDS, HIDE YOUR BOYFRIENDS BECAUSE THIS BITCH WILL F'N TRY TO STEAL It

J: Right, I'm a man stealer

Mc: (not sure what he says)

A: Well you are standing behind her, stand in front of her so she can check you out

J: Why are you bringing this up now, Helen

H: Because I didnt knwo you were mad at me until I walked out of DR and someone said she's mad at you because you didn't invite her to the BBQ

J: All right, that doesn't surprise me that everybody has my name in their mouth

A: Whats not in your mouth, JEssie

H: I wasnt' mad at you, Jessie until...

J: You're one to talk, Amanda

A: I am

J: Like, seriously, you had a boyfriend when you came in here and you've been sleeping w/Mccrae

A: I had a boyfriend for two months, I told you I was only dating him for two months

J: YOu said you were in love with him and you all were soul mates when you met

A: So let me go after every girls, guy. Close your f'n legs, you slut!

J: I'm not siting out here in my f'n underwear, Amanda

A: Its nightwear

J: You're in your underwear

A: Im sure that offends you very much, please. Thank God you didn't come here with a f'n boyfriend

J: And you did, which is hilarious, thats why you are sitting here telling this to me

A: Its so funny, guess who you are laughing with? No one.

J: I don't give a f'

A: because everybody thinks that you are a man f'n stealer

J: Everyone thinks that you are a f'n bitch. Thats why they are to afraid to stand up to you because they are afraid you will do this shlt to them

A: Everyones afraid, is everyone afraid?

J: Everybody at some point or other, have said that they want to get you out because you are in an alliance w/Helen

A: oh and you're an angel. Yeah, me and Helen are in our own alliance. Me and Helen

J: Yeah, you are

A: Bye, Jessie

J: Ok. I'm not afraid of you, Amanda

A; you should be, Jessie

J: I'm not, I'm not

A: thats why you are f'n going home this week

J: Alright, so everybody agrees with that because Amanda said it?

A: You dug your won f'n grave, don't blame it on me

J: Why, with you?


J: So (something) the whole house?

They cut to another feed now, then someone opens the door in the kitchen and you can hear bits of what is being said

J: the only reason I would ever want to go home is because I cannot stand the fact that (inaudible)

A: Fine, go home

Helen comes inside and keeps repeating that she's been nothing but nice to her, nothing but nice to her and goes up to the HOH room
Points: 37 1 comments
Even though the word "bully" is overused Aug 2, 2013
Amanda fits the definition perfectly.
Points: 20 1 comments
Call them out Aug 2, 2013
Points: 0 0 comments
I liked how Helen started to Aug 2, 2013
fake cry when she got called out by Candice.
Points: 0 1 comments
If GinaMarie didn't hate Aug 2, 2013
Jesse/Candice, she probably would put up Amanda after that fiasco.
Points: 22 0 comments
When Amanda/Helen Aug 2, 2013
get called out they get super defensive. Like open your eyes houseguests! Don't be sheep!
Points: 22 1 comments