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The Jaybirdnifty's blog

Posts 457 posts

Who would you like to win the first veto? Feb 20, 2015
Points: 109 20 comments
Just Two More Spots Open In My Group! Feb 18, 2015
Points: 0 0 comments
Battle of the Block Feb 11, 2015
So someone asked me about this season 16 twist, and I finally finished season 16 like four nights ago! So I'm jsut going to jump right into it!
The Battle of the Block twist/competition (to me) was HORRIBLE! For those of you that don't know, here's how it went down. Two HOH's were crowned. They would both nominate 2 people. The 2 people that each HOH nominated would compete against the 2nd HOH in a competiton called Battle of the Block. The winners of the competition not only came down, but their HOH was dethroned. Which left that HOH able to be backdoored.
And that's what seemed to happen all season long. People would nominate two weak contestants and they (the contestants) would throw Battle of the Block competitions so their HOH would stay in power and use the veto on them, and than put the other HOH up and be backdoored out of the house. I understand that backdooring is a good game move, and an effective one. However, seeing this time after time in a summer wasn't very fun.
Over all, I just feel  like this wasn't even Big Brother anymore. It seemed like it was TO big of a twist. Anyways, that's just my opinion. Feel free to leave your own in my comments :)
Points: 13 2 comments
Please plus this so me and my team can win immunity! Feb 9, 2015
imageIf you guys would be kind enough to plus this blog so me and my team would win immunity, I'd love you!
Points: 0 0 comments
I don't hate charities anymore! Feb 8, 2015
Does anyone else hate when you join a game, in which you paid for, only to find out it's a charity? Ugh I hate when that happens.

edit: Thanks for teaching me how to look at a game before I join! :)
Points: 6 1 comments
All Stars 2 Feb 4, 2015
You know who I'd  like to see come back in Big Brother All Stars 2 if they ever have it? The contestants that didn't even make it to jury. I'd love to see people like Annie from Season 12, or Joey from Big Brother 16!
Points: 17 3 comments