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Big Brother and online Hunger games.


Jun 9, 2010 by JessAnn2011
April 21, 2010 — Eleven years ago on April 20th, two students by the names Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold killed 13 people and injured 21 others before committing suicide. This incident is more commonly known as The Columbine High School Massacre. So it is my personal question to you when I ask, "Why on Earth would you celebrate drugs on the day that this terrible event happened?"

I don't know how or why the tradition started that you smoke pot on April 20th, but I find the concept rather ridiculous. Yeah, let’s go out on the day that America had one of its biggest disasters and get high. Oh, not to mention that it’s also Hitler’s birthday.

What the hell are you people thinking!? There are families out there who are grieving over the loss of a loved one on this day and instead of honoring them and praying for them in whatever belief system you have, you sit on your ass and ruin your lungs. And don't start on me about how cancer patients use medical marijuana. They are not using it for their own entertainment once a year; they use it to relieve some of their pain...and they can't easily destroy their lungs because they know they are going to die anyways.

I went out yesterday and you could literally see the cloud hanging over the city. It's disgusting and it's a horrible habit; it smells like a skunk, it ruins your health (unless of course your health is already ruined), and beyond that it just makes you stupid. And as for people that use it for medical conditions there are other ways of consumption that don't stink and don't make you look like an idiot.

This is a wonderful time of year. Go out, be safe, and have fun. You don't need drugs to have real fun; you need good friends and a sense of right and wrong. Today is not a day to be polluting your mind, it is a day to be enjoying time with your family and thanking whatever higher power you believe in (if any) that you are alive.


Sent by soccertrs,Jun 10, 2010

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