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Jessie_'s Blog Page

Posts 45 posts

Omggg yay 💜 Feb 11, 2022
First ever hunger win! What an iconic cast this was, thank you so much!!

A huge shout out to Celsius !!! I love you 💜
Points: 259 21 comments
Do all straight men lack a personality Feb 6, 2022
Or only Joey65409
Points: 605 25 comments
Yay. I am glad I was able to double your T$ Jan 24, 2022
Thank you so much for betting on me ♥

Points: 104 11 comments
TV STAR 📺⭐ Jan 16, 2022
Yay! I'm finally a TV star.. Inching closer to those new color levels.

A huge shoutout to those who joined and helped with my TV STAR charity ♥


And for those of you who did not join, shame on you!!! :(
Points: 486 28 comments
PYN & I'll tell you.. Dec 23, 2021
What I will get you for Christmas! ♥

Cinnamon5 - Cinnabon gift card
Kaylabby - Curling wand
Harpo - A mouse pad
Joey65409 - A personality
Robynn - Jock strap
Teamclay - Blanket
Lucas_RFS - PS5
aaronstevens4444 - Phone case
Kindred7 - Diamond ring
Insanity - Nespresso machine
vaultg1rl - Davids tea Christmas bundle
CCDoll - Perfume
Tryphena - Beef tenderloin
Salmaan - Flesh light
Yawnha - A grammar e-learning module
MarieTori - Calvin Klein briefs
Malamente - Snowglobe
Abstractjay - Hot pink convers
Kentuckyy - A ball gag
Peace123 - A leopard leotard
JohnPopper - Bottle of vodka
Tommeh208 - T-shirt from Zara
BlahBlahBlahBlah - iPad
J2999 - Reusable water bottle
Music - Finding Nemo in Blueray
Brookie_Cookie - A tow truck
Skyler1822 - IKEA bed frame
Hamburgerbunzz - A frying pan
Raiden - Antique silverware
ParvatiS - A fendi handbag
Points: 364 37 comments
⭐️ PYN ⭐️ for an Opinion.. Nov 17, 2021
I’ve not done one in awhile, I will update them all.. it will just take me some time through the day. 💕  Please plus and comment! I need health! 🚨

#Kindred7 - You are a breath of fresh air on this website. You probably hear this all the time, but it’s true! Thank you for always being so genuine and kind to me. I recall when I first joined this website, you didn’t know me, but we’re still so friendly when others were awful. Moooom ♥️

#Lukesaur - You are like a little teddy bear! I love talking with you. You are beyond sweet. You are another person who’s always been so nice with me. I don’t even recall how we met or started talking lol.. did we ever play a game together besides survivor?

#JohnPopper - Often times I want to shake you. I miss the days were gifting in shops was possible, we always had so much fun together doing that. In stars I wanted to shank you! I really do believe we could of gone so much further if you didn’t play such a messy game. Regardless, I like you, I consider you a good friend. Thank you for that.

#Otaq - Banana! We played a Frookies once and we slayed. Then there was a weird moment where you evicted me in many poll games etc. lol.. thought you did not like me. Glad we spoke In mails and ironed that out. You’re seem to be a really cool guy.

#GeorgeFlair - IDK. I’m so up and down with you. Sometimes I really do feel as though you are not genuine. A little fake at times, but maybe it’s the flamboyant man in you that comes out too strong. Besides that, I think you are cool, you can be a nice person to talk to when you have your head out of your ass.. maybe we just need to get to know each other some more. I’m open to it.

#malachite05 - lol! I consider you like a bestie, but we don’t ever talk or even know each other. It’s kind of funny. You seem like a really cool guy, love seeing you on the blogs page. You also have a hot manly chin, so there’s that! Let’s talk more!

#DaddyDev - You’re a wild one. However, I appreciate your sass and attitude usually. We don’t really talk out of games ever, but that’s OK. I can appreciate that we often are able to work together in games, especially frookies. I think the trait I most admire from you is your loyalty to your friends. You’d go the distance for a friend and slay a bitch if they fuck with you or them.

#Christossss - Oh Chris! I honestly do not know why you hate me so much. I’ve actually done nothing to you than literally… breath. Maybe that upsets you? You had a very interesting obsession with hating me and making sure I knew that you hated my guts. It’s a shame. I hear you’re a cool guy, and we have some common friends.. not sure why we can’t just get along. I think you forget that you and your circle were the ones who were super toxic to me, all overs a star game. I never did anything to any of you to deserve that. I am forgiving though. So if you want to be civil, or friends, that’s cool. If not that, that’s OK too.

#KingB24 - Hugs the blogs page! Lmao! You are literally so cute and sweet. You seem to always be a friendly person. I would like to get to know you more, I feel like we have not really spoken much besides in a hand full of games. You seem like a good friend and a hugger! I love hugs!

#Lucas_RFS - You are a really sweet. I don’t know you very well, however from the little talks we’ve had and the times we played together in games, you were great. Hope you are having a terrific day!

#BigBrotherDonny - IDK. I think you try to be friends with too many people and try to play this sweet person persona and it just falls flat sometimes. You don’t have to be everyone’s friend, it’s okay. I enjoy talking to you when you actually provide substance into a conversation besides dismissing with ditzy comments such as LOL, I-, How etc. Anyways, idk where we stand half the time, but I don’t think either of us really care.

#BURBERRY - Omg i remember when we first met you randomly hated me in a casting and refused to talk to me. That was so odd lol and made me sad because I didn’t do anything. I’m glad we are past that. You are super cool, wish we talked more though! Also, you have an amazing voice. I love when you send me your singing posts by mail, it’s always a treat!

#Lex13579 - Don’t know you very much, however, from what I’ve seen you seem really sweet. You also seem unproblematic which is nice and rare to find on here. I think we are in a mutual discord chat together which means you are friends with the same dingbats.

#Robynn - I wish I got to know you more! All the tires we did speak, you’ve always been so nice. You seem to have a very positive energy about you which I love. We’ve played a few games together and you always been good to me in them too.

#SomebodyAwesome - omg ok! So, you are someone else that I really like, but don’t know why lmao?? We don’t know each other really, but you’ve always been super cool with me which I’ve always appreciated. Would love to get to know you more as well. Reach out sometime, I’m nice!

Skyler1822 - Girl, I can see why you are liked. You are very sweet and down to earth. We’ve never had the best experience in frookies because often we are forced to go after each other because of who we are and are not friends with. But, nonetheless, I appreciate you and do think you are great!

abstractjay - I do not really know you all that well besides that one game of survivor, I think? Which didn’t go very well haha. You seem pretty cool and laid back too, don’t have any issues with you.

PaulaDeen - hmm, IDK what to say about you. We talk once awhile out of nowhere and randomly lol. You seem pretty nice, but I guess we have just not really gotten to know much of each other.

Kentuckyy - You’re a cool gal, we’ve not really had many interactions either which is unfortunate. You seem fun and are well liked on here. Hit me up girl, let pop a bottle and talk shit together.

turkeylover - You are kind of an iconic and hilarious. Don’t really know much about you either which is unfortunate, you seem to keep to your circle of friends which are equally as funny. Would like to crack your shell a bit and get to know you. Also your avatar is always camp, I love it.

Computer3000 - You’re right! I do not really know you lol. However, from what I’ve seen.. you seem like a chill dude. I’m down to get to know you some more, also really intrigued where your random ass username came from lol

VanitySmurf - hey you! Well, it’s been awhile since we’ve spoken or played any games together, however I’ve always really liked talking to you. You are so so genuine and just an all around nice guy. Reach out more, let me know if you want my discord or something.

Matte - Awe, I adore you and you know this. You are always so nice to me and definitely very loyal. I love playing survivor with you. You know you can reach out to me anytime to talk, thanks for always being a good friend and for literally always supporting me in stars!

J2999 - hey, another cool dude that I don’t really know lol. Again, you’ve always been nice to me and cool to talk to. We don’t know each other much, but I’d like to change that and get to know you some more. You seem like a good friend and are loyal to your circle of friends. Also, I never noticed you were just a red level lol! What the??

Insanity - Steven! You are literally so sweet and hot. So there’s that. Thanks for being a good friend. We use to talk more frequently on discord and I miss that! Thanks for the random snaps of you or your cute cat (I usually hate cats). Miss you! Hope to talk to you more.

brookie_cookie - OMG! You are so so funny. You literally crack me the fuck up. You are such a mess, but all in the right ways. I think if I was into vagina, I’d be tapping on yours all night lol. Thanks for the laughs. Let’s talk more! I also need to try that trucking game sometime lol

dannyjr0587 - I think you are probably my newest friend. Thank you for being so kind to me. You are so so sweet. I enjoy the little talks we have on discord from time to time, we should definitely chat more and get to know each other. Also, good luck in stars.. you have my full support!

Thumper91 - Omg. I remember the first time we met it was so awkward because of #Aquamarine. Sorry about that! I’m glad we were able to speak outside of that situation, I’ve gotten to know you a little more and I love your personality. You seem the be a party animal like me and love to have a good time. I love your energy, let’s hang more!

Typhlosion37 - You’re a cool guy and I appreciated playing stars with you. You are a bit shady, like in that random pop-up group stars game, didn’t expect that over a stupid lil worthless game like that. I guess you are competitive by nature lol!

MarieTori - we don’t really know each other, however for whatever reason I sense you or your little crew don’t like me for whatever reason and that’s fine. You seem like a funny guy, I don’t have any problems with you. I love seeing your little sassy and quirky comments around the blogs page

Cheritaisdelicious - mom! We’ve had our ups and downs, but I guess that’s like any friendship. I do appreciate you a whole lot. You were part of the few very first people I’ve met on this site. Thank you so much for all your help and answering my many stupid questions. You’ve also tremendously helped in many games. I enjoy talking with you, I think you are hilarious.. I miss being front page buddies! We should try to fix that sometime, maybe..

3pi14159 - Idk, you seem like a cool guy. Your energy is very different and weird on here. You don’t really interact much with me or reply to any of my blogs, so I do not have much of an opinion on you. I don’t have any issues with you, you seem pretty chill and are just here to troll the blogs page

Blahblahblahblah - I love you so much! You’re great and you know it. Thank you for being such a good friend, I’m glad you are starting to pop in a bit more, I missed seeing your face. I also miss playing crazy ass frooks with you, we should join one soon. I hope you are doing well and that your kids are well too!

Arris - You seem really kind, but I don’t think we’ve ever really interacted besides a a handful of times on the blogs page. I don’t recall playing a game with you before either. From what I can see you seem sweet, would like to get to know you more. If you are down for more friends, hit me up

Tryphena - You are such a breath of fresh air. Thanks for being iconic and always serving us the most iconic designs, I really do need that wig coat girl, please! You’re a star.

Midiaw - sometimes I wonder about you.. I really care for you and think you are a great guy but sometimes in games you just become bipolar.. and it’s like you can’t compromise or see where I’m coming from. Idk what it is. Maybe you care a lot about the outcome of the game. Anyways, you’re chill.

Hamburgerbunzz - OMG I feel like you were so active at one point and always around.. now you disappeared. Where you hiding? Thanks for being a cool person, we’ve always got along and played well in games, I remember when I carried your ass in a rookies POV after POV lmao. Hope to play a game sometime soon again!

useamint - hmm. Don’t really know much about you if I’m being honest. From what I’ve seen, you seem like a cool guy. Would like to get to know you and speak more, don’t think we have ever played a game either.

ParvatiS - I don’t think we’ve ever really interacted. I don’t think I know the first thing about you lol. Let’s change that? Hit me up? IDK

ilovetosing - You seem pretty nice and quiet. Don’t know you very well, but have seen you around the blogs page from time to time. I am not even sure if we’ve ever played a game together or not.

joey65409 - sometimes you’re a doorknob and sometimes you are nice?? I love to joke around with you and tease you. Sometimes you ignore me, so that’s rude. I hope you know that I only tease you and that I’m not serious 99% of the time. You suck.

systrix - omg, you are so gorgeous and sweet. However, I am sorry to say that Taylor Swift really does suck! It’s nice seeing you around the blogs page - you’ve always been a cool chica, hit me up anytime x

ARTPOP2 - omg so, you are so so problematic but kind of funny. I do think you are just trolling though and you have people pressed like fucking paninis! You’ve never came after me, so fuck haaa, keep being funny

ManniBoi - I love you. I’m not even sure how we met, but you’ve always been super cool with me. We should definitely talk more, oddly I don’t think I know very much about you. Besides that maybe you’re hot?

Washed_Ravioli - I adore you a whole lot! I appreciate how down to earth and call you are amongst the toxic mess of the majority of the users on here. I wish we would talk more! Also who doesn’t love ravioli lol
Points: 549 58 comments