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The Kairi13578's blog

Posts 74 posts

Kairi's Hunger Games~Day 8 Dec 21, 2011
image Crucio catiously jumped down from her hidden tree fortress she had created on the main island. She gave a small sigh when she saw that no one was around, she made managed to stay quiet and not of trouble for the past 8 days. She was terrified still from last night at the constant sound of the cannon. She was worried that it be on the island she was on… or even something from the capital in order to ‘speed up’ the games. She shivered scaredly at the thought of the captial starting the place on fire…. Crucio knew she couldn’t handle fire. Her family had died in a ‘accidentle’ fire when she was younger. The fire wasn’t just a ‘opps’, it was her mother’s ex lover. He was jealous so he burned their house in the middle of the night, simply because he wanted his daughter back, Mariah. She was Curcio’s half sister… but he ended up killing her in the fire, because of the mistake that he thought ‘Curcio’ was the one in there, not her sister.

            Curcio let out a sigh, as she shook her head, letting go of the bed thoughts as she began to look around the forest. She made sure not to stray to far away from her fortress as she lingered around. Not looking for anything, but just for the hope of maybe wondering onto something. She gazed around at the calm day, barely able to tell what time it was by all the trees and the upper brush. She rolled her eyes slightly, until she started to hear faint whispering. She quickly clung herself to the nearest tree and climbed up as she started to cross form branch to branch, getting closer and closer towards the voices.
                                                                          “I’m starving!”
               “Me too! When is that soup going to be done?”
                     “Hey! Why do you serve him first?”

                   Crucio tilted her head slightly, not believing the conservation she was hearing. It was a fight to the death and all 3 of those guys only care about was the size of soup they get. She gave a sigh and quickly covered her mouth realizing she shouldn’t have done that.
                        “Did you hear that?
                     “ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?”
                         “SHHHHHHH….Hold on.”

               Crucio held her breath for a few moments until suddenly a 2 pound rock hit her square in the face, causing her to lose her balance from her tree limb. She had fallen straight in front of 3 guys that she recognized as Tyboy618, LacrosseAllStar, and a very stressful 77sparks77. They all stared at Crucio oddly, expect for Lacrosse. Crucio stared in shock as she watched all 3 of them, realizing quickly that 2 of them were injured, as a small smile came to her face, realizing she might have a chance at beat all 3 of them easily and quickly. She slowly pulled herself off the ground as the 3 boys watched her every move. “H-Hello…” she said calmly as she put her hands behind her back as she gave a childish smile.

                YUKIisback breathed heavily as he crawled up onto the south island, coughing a lot from taking in so much water from his swim. He was glad to see the sun out and shinning after such a terrible night. He knelt on the beach of the island for a moment and smiled as he looked up. The smile slowly disappeared as he looked around at the beach of the island, seeing the blood stained sand and three dead bodies all around. His body began to shake as he quickly stood up and turned around as he started to run back into the water. “Where are you going?” a voice called out in a crazed manner as Yuki stopped running and stood completely still as he waited for a moment, then finally turning around and gasping at the sight. Hyuna stood on the beach, her hair and jumpsuit covered in blood as she smiled a murderers smile as she slowly took a few more steps. “The fun is just beginning…” she spoke sweetly as she took the knife the gleaming red knife in her hand and cut her wrist, watching her blood pour to the ground as she licked the knife and giggled innocenty.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Day 8 Over~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

District 1: lassidoggy  Johnster

District 2: Boots22  TylerKeith

District 3: 

District 4:  LacrosseAllStar

District 5: YUKIisback  77sparks77

District 6: tyboy618 

District 7: 

District 8:

District 9: Hyuna

District 10: Crucio  AceSurvivor

District 11: Sparticus142 

District 12:

Please vote for any one of the contestents that are still alive for them to receive a special sponser ship (gift) in the game to help their character. You may vote for yourself and only vote once. The person with the lowest votes will (maybe....most likely) be killed off.
Points: 64 16 comments
Kairi's Hunger Games~Day 7 Dec 18, 2011

        ofl1998 quickly stood up as he heard the two cannon shots in the dead of night. He had been keeping watch for him and as ally well she slept for awhile. He quick looked around carefully making sure no one was around then quickly ran back to his secret hole and yelled in, “@Nicoleee! Wake up! Two cannons went off. I think it’s better if we move out,” he called to her as he saw her move around, “I’m serious! There is a killing party going on and we should go to it or away!” he called down even louder until she suddenly thrusted her fist up the hole and punched ofl in the face, sending him backwards onto his butt as he screamed out in pain and shock. “I told you not to yell so much!” Nicole grumbled as she pulled herself out of the hole and looked around the east island they were on. “Let’s head back to the begin platform… the cornucopia. We need to get more supplies and food. It’s a risk, but we are going to die if we don’t eat real food.” She spoke slowly placing her hand on her bow and arrow as ofl gave her a small nod. Agreeing with each other, they began to swim towards the cornucopia.

                    Hyuna laughed crazily as she swung her knife down at Ribbons, as she easily dodged it, as Hyuna’s knife slammed down into the sand. Hyuna groaned madly as she swung her arm back up and turned towards Ribbons, in a almost drunken manner she ran towards her, as Ribbons swiped her leg in front of herself, barely catching Hyuna’s leg causing her to trip and fall to the sand. “Come on, Hyuna. I told you I won’t be as easy.” She spoke coolly as she quickly stomped her foot onto Hyuna’s back as she tried to get back up. “Get up!” Ribbons screamed at Hyuna, until she started to her a muffled sound come from under her foot. Until Hyuna suddenly flipped herself around, causing Ribbons to lose her balance and fall to the sand as Hyuna quickly jabbed her knife into Ribbons about 5 times until the cannon went off finally. As a demon wail came out as Hyuna laughed and laughed like the maniac she had become.

                “I did it…” Hyuna mumbled as she stood up slowly and looked around at the bodies surrounding her. All she could see was the red of the blood all around her. She stared at each of the dead bodies for awhile until finally she clenched her fists, “Stop laughing at me!” she screamed out at no one as she glared at Ribbons body, “I won! I WON!” she yelled even louder as she started to spin in circles, clasping her ears in her hands as she tried to stop the voices in her head. “I won…” she mumbled as she dropped to the ground faintly, staring blankly out at the moonlight water; her body shaking violently as she just laid there, until her eyes caught sight of someone swimming towards her island. A weak smile working  its way onto her lips, “I win…’ she mumbled softly as Yukiisback swam closer and closer.

                      “Nicole… What if someone is here?” Ofl whispered softly as they slowly approached the  cornucopia. Ofl slowly swam up to the metal platform, as Nicole swung herself up onto it and reached a hand out to ofl to help him up. “Thanks,” he mumbled as Nicole gave a small nod and pulled him up unto the platform. Nicole slowly looked around and gave a small smile seeing that everything was still in good condition and wasn’t destroyed yet. She quickly ran towards the big pile of junk and started to dig through it. “This is great,” she said happily, finally showing a smile on her face as she spotted a brand new bow and arrow pack in the middle of the pile. She quickly reached her hand in and started to pull it out, only to have something grab onto her wrist and pull her into the pile. She let out a quick scream and tried to pull her arm out more, “Let go!” she screamed as Ofl quickly ran over to her, “Help!” she screamed until suddenly she cried out in pain and fell backwards onto her butt as she winced in pain as she started to roll around on the ground. “What’s wrong?” Ofl asked confusedly, only seeing the blur of Nicole as she rolled around.

                            “My hand!” she cried out as she stopped rolling, seeing the tears coming down her face as Ofl scaredly looked down and gasped. Nicole’s whole right hand had been cut off, it was the hand she used to shoot arrows with and now… it was completely gone. It was bleeding profusely as Nicole held onto the stump of her wrist. Ofl quickly looked away from her when he heard rustling around coming from inside the pile of junk. He quickly grabbed a knife from off the pile and guarded Nicole as he looked around for the person who had hurt Nicole. “Where are you?” he yelled out, gripping the knife tightly in his hand. “Show yourself… you…you… BASTERD!” Nicole screamed out as she continued to cry in pain.

                        Johnster appeared from out of the pile, holding a bloody machete, discarding it on to the ground as he gave a yawn. “It’s not nice to swear,” he mumbled as he reached behind myself and pulled a pistol out of his holster, and pointed it at Ofl, then slowly dropped it down towards Nicole, “The death of a beautiful woman, is unquestionably the most poetical topic in the world.” Johnster spoke to himself as his gun rang out in the night, but not hitting his target. Ofl had dropped down and took the bullet in the chest, going straight through his lungs, causing them to burst as he collapsed to the ground and slowly died. Nicole stopped crying and stared at Ofl’s body until he finally stopped breathing. The cannon rang out and she nervously looked up at Johnster.

               “Please…” she mumbled up at him as her body began to shake from the lose of blood. Johnster looked down coldly at her and slowly opened his mouth to speak, “It was night, and the rain fell; and falling, it was rain, but, having fallen, it was blood.” He softly whispered has he brushed some of the hair out of Nicole’s face as he leaned down and kissed her forhead as she began to shake violently, “Goodnight,” he mumbled as he walked toward the water, jumping in the cold night water as he began to wash the blood of his jumpsuit from tonight. Knowing the Day 7 would forever be known as “The Bloodiest Night”, as Nicole took her last breath. As the last cannon of the day shot off.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Day 7-Over~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

District 1: lassidoggy  Johnster

District 2: Boots22  TylerKeith

District 3: 

District 4:  LacrosseAllStar

District 5: YUKIisback  77sparks77

District 6: tyboy618 

District 7: 

District 8:

District 9: Hyuna 

District 10: Crucio  AceSurvivor

District 11: Sparticus142 

District 12:
Points: 50 12 comments
MY DESIGN MADE IT TO AUCTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dec 18, 2011
imageso happy!!!!!!!!!!
Points: 1 2 comments
No title Dec 17, 2011
Points: 40 2 comments
No title Dec 17, 2011
Points: 19 2 comments
Stop negging my design X C Dec 17, 2011
Points: 10 3 comments