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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Message to Meowmilk

Nov 27, 2008 by Kotone

You gripe about how people are all the same and they're boring. Well I can tell you that at least one of those 'rude people' you hate is very different. He's nice and funny, plus creative. That kid has had some kick-ass ideas. Its not about them all being the same. Its about everyone else not being a complete and total ass like you and your bitchy little friends.

((Here's something extra for anyone else reading this: normally I'm not a bitch. But this chick pisses me off.))

You are a cruel, hateful little girl who has serious issues. I pity your parents and anyone who has the misfortune to even lay eyes upon you.

Go die.

My best,

P.S. Your the whore, not all those people in your game/whoever else you have rudely insulted.


Whoa! Kotone I didn't know you could get so bad :D *huggles* thanks for defending me. ^-^
Sent by Ryouseiken,Nov 27, 2008
I'm with Kotone. You're a fucking assclown that should go figure out what the real world is like. Not everyone is like you, so fuck off you little crying shithead. You look for everyone who is preppy and snotty, little emo sluts with their hears up their own asses. Just because Ryousiken and PopBelly are good, honest people does not give a shit fuck like you the right to say what you do. God shows us mercy, but I hope he shows you none. You hurt people like it's nothing, and your soul burns black in my eyes. You deserve nothing from this world until you learn to be a decent human being.
Sent by justinm91,Nov 27, 2008
Typo, typed that fast. Meant heads up their asses, not hears.
Sent by justinm91,Nov 27, 2008
Excuse me? Come say that to my face bitch and we'll see whose the boss. Justin...your not my boss either you "preppy snotty little emo slut with his hear up his own ass."

And, Ryou you can suck my ass with ur semetic "huggling"
Sent by Meowmilk,Nov 27, 2008
Hey, don't you go insulting my friends, you slut!
Sent by Kotone,Nov 27, 2008
Hah, you don't know me. This is all you have seen of me and you know nothing about me! I have seen multiple logs of what you've done and said, and your words fall on deaf ears. I will not let the words of a shit faced blasphemer affect me, not yours. I am not a prep, far from it. I've had a hard life and know what it truly means to live, to love, to die and to suffer. All you know is your Myspace, your facebook, your life of petty things where material and appearance mean more than anyone's God given soul! Your words mean as much to me as the scum stuck to the bottom of my shoes, for I've traveled a life you'd never want to see. You rely on your family and friends, and you want to be like them, you want to be them, and put those of us who live our lives being ourselves down. I say your words mean nothing, and you deserve to be banished from places where you can cause harm. I will not suffer from your words, and I will not let anyone else suffer. You, my ill-begotten friend are a leech on society. You suck the life from the honest, and devour the pain you cause others, and like a leech, I hope that you will be torn from the abysmal threshold on which you thrive, and I would love to not see you again, not until daddy Mastercard and mommy Bank have left you to find your own means of sustenance that isn't thriving on the souls of others.
Sent by justinm91,Nov 27, 2008
<3 *huggles everyone... except Meow*
Sent by PopBelly,Nov 27, 2008

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