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Posts 112 posts

Simplyobsessed Sep 22, 2013
Is there anyone so fucking pathetic on this site? He's tries to talk the macho man talk but can't walk the macho man walk. He's just a skinny little boy who's probably so skinny he can't raise his arm to hold mummy's hand without it falling off.
Points: 16 1 comments
dav_o_79 Sep 22, 2013
Give me attitude once more on my blog and you'll be wearing your balls as your eyes, not that it would look any different
Points: 0 2 comments
BB5Lover Sep 22, 2013
What a fucking lil pussy. Calling himself hot he's so fucking deluded that if he was fucking a girl she'd be biting her lip trying not to scream at how shit he is in bed but he's so much of an idiot he'd think she's biting her lip because he's so good. No way would he be able to get a 30 inch waist model the best he could get is fucking madonna
Points: 3 2 comments
robozoe Sep 21, 2013
lil pussy deleting her Dumbass blog because I was beating her little fuck buddy LucyX3Jean in a fight. Dick doesn't even cross these two bitches minds. All they care about is each other's hairy fucking tits and ass. They're both flat lil bitches no way would a man choose them over a large, in charge woman. Oh wait, not that they'd care
Points: 2 0 comments
Lucyx3Jean Sep 21, 2013
Walks around here thinking she's got the biggest tits well she's all talk no way could she handle a real fight thinking she's so hot HAH you're probably just as flat as angelina jolie
Points: 5 2 comments
Why haven't they expelled Amanda... Aug 27, 2013
I think CBS have actually gone too far now considering all the racist/homophobic/aggressive things she's said

-Called Candice and Howard ‘The Puerto Rican Alliance’ and said that all Puerto Ricans are smelly and don’t shower
-Called Howard ‘The Black Guy’, Helen ‘The Asian’ and Andy ‘The Gay Guy’ and referred to them as outcasts because of this
-Called Andy ‘F*****y Ann’ and ‘Kermit the F**’ [To be fair these were to his face so he knew she was joking]
-Said she wanted to take Jessie and swing her in to a wall so that her teeth could get knocked out. Then said she wanted to slit her throat and kill her.
-Threatened to anal rape Jessie
-Called Jessie a bitch, a cunt and a dumb fucking idiot
-Said that Elissa talks like she has autism and called her retarded
-Said that Candice ‘Pulls the racist card’
-Called Candice a ‘Greasy ass nappy head’
-Said she wanted to sharpen one of the butter knives and kill Candice
-Said she wanted to jab Candice in the eye with her tweezers
-Was coming up with racist remarks with Aaryn such as ‘Cocoa butter’, ‘Watermelon’, ‘Egg roll’ and ‘Soya sauce’
-Called McCrae ‘McQ***r’ [This was to his face as well though]
-Called Andy a ‘Real life fairy’
-Said that she wanted to tell Helen she didn’t like her because she’s Asian and tell Howard she doesn’t like him because he’s black
-Was generally making fun of Helen being Asian with Jeremy
-Called Howard ‘The Black Mamba’ and ‘The Dark Knight’
-Said that Candice thinks everything is racist
-Was once again making fun of Asians with other housemates
-Told Kaitlin there was nothing wrong with her saying the N word
-Threatened to kill Elissa in her sleep

Yet she said loads at the beginning how inappropriate Aaryn is and said that she never judges anyone. If she's still your favorite after all of this then that's like really fucking weird.

EDIT: Well apparently she can't be expelled for her racist and homophobic comments. But she should still be expelled for the violent comments towards Elissa, Candice and Jessie.

EDIT #2 - Just foudn the video where Amanda said all of this stuff. So for those of you who are saying this stuff is not true, then watch this.

Points: 612 37 comments