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The Mikeus's blog

Posts 41 posts

Survivor: The Great Barrier Reef- The Final Vote May 25, 2009
Welcome guys! First of all thanks heaps for a great season of survivor. Congratulations to our final 3, Hufflebibin, VictoOxila and Jiggleoo. And big thanks to our jury. OK, Enough talk i will get to the vote. Just a reminder tonight you want to see your name on the vote i will, read the votes i have 5 votes, it takes 3 to win. First vote.
First Vote: Jiggleoo!
Second Vote: VictorOxila!
Third Vote: VictorOxila!
Fourth Vote: Jiggleoo!
One vote left, so i am sorry Hufflebibin, you cannot win now BUT if the next vote is for you then we have a tie...
The next vote is NOT for Hufflebibin...
The winner of Survivor: The Great Barrier Reef is..
Congratulations Jiggleoo you are the Sole Survivor! Great Job!
Thanks to our loyal audience, now if you want to be a contestant on Survivor you can apply for our second season Survivor: The Egyptian Empire!
Congratulations again to Jiggleoo and we will see you soon for Survivor: The Egyptian Empire!
Points: 40 8 comments
Survivor: The Great Barrier Reef Ep13 May 25, 2009
Down to the final 4, the end was in sight.
At the final immunity challenge, the final four competed in a contest to arrange all of their challenges in order from first to last. Although all four of the finalists answers came very close together it was VictorOxila who once again won immunity.
At the next tribal council, the strong alliance of three was finally exposed and crazy342 became the final member of the jury.
"crazy342, the tribe has spoken"
At the final Tribal Council the jury consisted of anth_, LadyAngel, yasmina, stonefisher1, doodyful, lillyXoXo and crazy342 voted out at the last tribal council. The final 3 made their opening statements...
JIGGLEOO: Hey guys! I just wanted to say that I played the game with integrety,honor,and pride. I layed low in the beginning yes having an alliance with one of the people I trusted the most. That was a strategy if you have ever watched survivor you'd know usually those who strategize too early pay the price. Later in the game is when i started playing my cards after LadyAngel was voted out I knew I had to play the game the best way i knew how. so i formed an alliance with Lilly and then Victor and I guess Huffle. We dominated until the 5 when I was shocked when Lilly was voted out cause I had no idea what so ever. In challenges I never won an individual but Neither did Tina Wesson and she won. Neither did Sandra from Pearl Island and she won. They won because they new when to play and when to lay back and watch. Tonight I'd love it if you vote for me but vote for the person who was the most honest and more importantly vote whichever way your heart tells you to!
HUFFLEBIBIN: Hi guys. I want to thank you all for the great game experience I had these past weeks. From opening day to now, this has been a great bunch of people, with great chemistry and we had a great time. I'm going to dive right in, and say that I should be the sole survivor for several reasons. One, I played a clean game. I never told anyone that I would not vote for them and then did. Two, I gave my all to every challenge I had to opportunity to participate in. Unfortunatly for me, fortunatly for some of you though (lol), school, the AP exam and life in general tended to attempt to keep me off tengaged and the internet in general. However, in both group and individual challenges, I did my best to better the game. Three, this was my second game ever on tengaged, and my first non- casting game. I had no experience and was open, trusting and kind (to all I could mail/ had an opportunity to talk to). And some how, some how against the odds, I made it to the finals. I also want to say that I couldn't have made it this far in the game without your help. For that I thank all of you, both the members of the jury and those voted out before the jury was formed. I ask you to do me one final favor, to help me out for the last time in this game, and vote for me to win.
VICTOROXILA: Initially my goal was to make it to the merge and see what I could do.  I worried a bit, because a lot of the contestants were pretty inactive.  So I told myself that I needed to be really strong in challenges in the beginning, and tried weakening myself when I made it to the merge (the obstacle course challenge I purposely skipped, hoping someone else would step up and show their strength [Doodyful]).  I tried making alliances with a couple of people, such as Austin, Lilly and Anth_, but Austin was voted out and Lilly and Anth never really showed much interest.  So I alligned (at various points) with Crazy, Jiggle and Huffle, and low and behold we all made it to the Final 4!  The hardest decision, believe it or not was voting out Crazy, but he literally cut my ropes right after we sealed our alliance, which made me a bit paranoid.  I tried really hard in this game, especially considering how long and drawn out it was at times.  Thanks for playing ya'll, towards the end it got very competitive!  I feel I should win, because for the most part I pulled all the strings, and starting with Yasmina's elimination, all the people I voted for were eliminated.
The jury then had their chance to address the finalists: feel free to check out the final tribal council here:
Then came the vote...for the final vote, the jury is voting for a winner. Time to vote...
I have tallied the votes...i know you would love me to read them now but i will read them when we get back (in my next blog) lol!
See the vote here:
Points: 19 1 comments
Survivor: The Great Barrier Reef Ep12 May 20, 2009
As the end started creeping closer and closer the survivors at Bitjara begin to form different strategies on what will get themselves a seat at the final tribal council.
At the immunity challenge, the final 5 competed with their friends in a scavenger hunt to find as many of their item as possible. late to the mark, hufflebibin scored no points within the time limit but her friends came through after and found 6 water containers. 5 of liily's machete's were found while crazy's friends found him 6 fishing spears. jiggleoo almost had it as 8 flints were found but in the end it was victoroxila and co that found the most bags of rice (15) and he walked away with immunity!
VictorOxila: "Thanks everyone who helped!!"
That afternoon things didn't look good for crazy342. The only Fitzroy member left he had to try and think of something fast to ensure his spot in the final 4.
At tribal council, although crazy342 did receive 1 vote, it was LillyXoXo who was blind sided onto the jury.
"LillyXoXo, The tribe has spoken"
Now only 4 remain...Jiggleoo, Hufflebibin, VictorOxila and Crazy342...
Find out next episode who will be the sole survivor!
Please Visit Survivor: The Great Barrier Reef:
Points: 23 3 comments
Survivor: The Great Barrier Reef Ep11 May 19, 2009
As day 22 came around, paranoia at the Bitjara camp started to boil over. With only 6 people remaining everyone was looking over their shoulders. Anyone of them could be next.
At the immunity challenge, the survivors competed to design an obstacle course to be judged on creativity, feasibility and difficulty. The race was on while one survivor found the task too difficult...
VICTOROXILA: "I can't do this!!! Its TOO hard.  :("
Feeling extremely vulnerable, doodyful gave the challenge his all and scored high points for creativity and difficulty. But in the end it was Hufflebibin's challenge that scored the highest points all round and won herself immunity.
Before tribal council, the two last remaining old Fitzroy members doodyful and crazy342 were feeling helpless at the hands of the old Heorn members and hoping for a miracle.
But that night at tribal council, the old Heron members stayed strong together and voted doodyful out of the game.
"Doodyful, the tribe has spoken"
Only 5 remain, who will be voted out next?!?
Please Visit Survivor: The Great Barrier Reef:
Points: 37 5 comments
Survivor: The Great Barrier Reef Ep10 May 17, 2009
As the game enters its final days, the truth about how the survivors feels about each starts to come out as well as past betrayals, new alliances and who are viewed as the threats.
At the immunity challenge, the tribe competed not to have their ropes cut! All tribe members had a rope, once it was cut 3 times they were out of the challenge. Jiggleoo and victoroxila were the first two out followed by doodyful and crazy342. It came down to stonefisher1, hufflebibin and Lillyxoxo. But in the end, Lilly made her final cuts and put stonefisher and hufflebibin out of the contest walking away with immunity.
CRAZY342: "Once again lol"
That night at tribal council, although hufflebibin and crazy342 both got votes against their names, it was stonefisher1 who felt the sting of betrayal and became the 4th member of the jury.
"Stonefisher1, the tribe has spoken"
6 remain, who will be voted out next?!?
Please visit Survivor: The Great Barrier Reef:
Points: 21 8 comments
Survivor: The Great Barrier Reef Ep09 May 16, 2009
On day 17, the Bitjara tribe were starting to look towards the end of the game. With the finals so close everybody was on their toes.
The immunity challenge came as a shock to the survivors when the learned that it was the loved ones challenge. But before the water works started they realised that the immunity challenge was a test of how much THEY were loved! The survivors raced to write a blog in the hopes of getting the most points.
Using very different strategies, one survivor asked people about there favourite movies while jiggleoo went for pure honesty:
JIGGLEOO: Please plus my blog! I need it so I can win immunity on survivor it would be great if you guys would
In the end although hufflebibin recieved a huge 55 points she failed to submit the link to her blog and victoroxila won immunity.
That night at tribal council, although worried her challenge mistake may cost her the game, hufflebibin was spared and Yasmina becam the third member of the jury.
"Yasmina, the tribe has spoken"
7 remain, who will be voted out next?!?
please visit Survivor The Great Barrier Reef:
Points: 35 7 comments