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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

My Poetry- Bush

Oct 25, 2010 by Mintz
I'm an aspiring poet who may compete in scholastics national this year.

I'm gonna post a few of my poems on tengaged. Comments and criticisms would be appreciated.

This one is obviously Politically charged, It's an open letter to our former president.



Bush you falsely led America under your seduction,
When you said there were weapons of mass destruction.
Bush you sent our troops to Iraq,
The Ones who were killed will never come back.
You are advising a large troop increase
You are saying you want Iraq to have peace

Bush, why did we ever vote for you?
We made a mistake and Florida knows it too. 

You don’t care about cleaning the air
Someday your children will have to deal with this affair.
You didn’t act fast enough to Hurricane Katrina
All you could do was blame Michael Brown and FEMA.
Nuclear talks with Iran are at a standstill
Seriously Mr. President, what are you waiting until.
McCain didn’t really want you to speak at the convention,
You have created so much Republican tension.

Bush, why did we ever vote for you?
We made a mistake and Florida knows it too. 

The ratings say you are bad,
But you are glad
Getting revenge for your dad
While, America is sad.
You are going down as the worst President in History,
But to you it seems like one great mystery.

Bush, why did we ever vote for you?
We made a mistake and Florida knows it too. 

Now the economy is looking like it could into depression.
I think it’s time for your regime to make a big confession.
Why are you sitting there in your Crawford, Texas ranch?
Everyone knows the Texas Rangers still don’t have a chance.

Bush, why did we ever vote for you?
We made a mistake and Florida knows it too. 

Now I could rumble and grumble and write all day
Because there is much, much more to say.
But, instead I will sit here and simply pray and sigh,
And remember the thousands of Americans in your war that died.


I Could Really Use Your Help, Plz Plus This Shirt It Is Almost In The Auctions

Thanks A Lot And Feel Free To Leave Me Your Spam And Il Plus you Back :D
Sent by gaudcore,Oct 25, 2010
plussed! great job!
Sent by Redsoxfan520,Oct 25, 2010
Well done Mintz!
Sent by microwave87,Oct 25, 2010
i love this!!

when i read it yesterday i was shocked. i cant believe you wrote this when you were in 6th grade. i mean, damn!!!
Sent by taylorrain123,Oct 26, 2010

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