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Not the First Noel

Posts 697 posts

Stars thoughts - Look at me, blogging twice in one week. :o Jan 6, 2009
I know, I'm shocked too. 
Hopefully my account doesn't explode because I'm blogging so much.
Anyway.  We're on day 6 of 16.  And I am grateful for every day, cause I definitely feel like I have a huge target on my back.

I do have to say that I'm enjoying the game more than I did last time.  This time, I am aware that there are two opposing groups (I say groups rather than alliances, because it seems like some people shift from one to the other on an hourly basis, lol) who seem to be similarly powerful, based on the way nominations have gone so far. 

I STILL don't feel like I know what's REALLY going on though....  and every eviction makes me more and more nervous.
Oh I also want to say that overall, this group is pretty nice and fun to chat with. I don't dislike anyone, as of yet. :)  Sure, many are liars and backstabbers, no doubt, but it wouldn't be Stars if they weren't! <3 I didn't enjoy yesterday's battle (even though I wasn't really involved at all), but hopefully today will be more peaceful... Somehow I doubt it though. :) 
Anyway, those are my thoughts for the moment!  Good luck to today's nominees!
Points: 185 23 comments
Stars: Thanks! Jan 4, 2009
I just wanted to say a quick thanks to everyone who helped save me today.  At least I won't be 16th place - always a good thing!  Stay tuned for my next nomination, and thanks to the following people who PMed me and/or posted in chat that they were saving me... 
I know I missed people, so thanks to you all too.  Have a good night and try to have a good Monday!
Points: 118 21 comments
Curious - Tengaged's Profit Model? Dec 30, 2008
I was just randomly thinking about this.  Tengaged has to be pretty expensive to run - it's a very active site with lots of people on it and it's amazingly stable (runs smoothly, no outages, etc.).  But there are no ads, no subscription fees, no major campaign for donations or anything!  How does this site stay afloat?

Any ideas?
Points: 54 12 comments
"If you can't say anything nice...." (say something nice about your fellow Tengagers) Dec 30, 2008
Now, seriously.
If you look at the list of blogs at the moment, way too many of them involve some sort of hate/negativity/general unpleasantness.  And no, a "hate blog" isn't usually what begins it -- it's usually something that happens in a game...  someone takes a nomination personally, makes false accusations, or something.  Personal attacks follow, and the rest is history.  I've only been here for about a month and a half, and things seem to get worse every day.
I stay here because I DO have fun. Obviously.  I've met some amazing people who I love talking to, and yes, I enjoy the game.  However, I just don't understand why we can't all at least make an attempt to be nice to each other.  It's easy to forget that there are people behind the screen with real feelings, but guess what?  There are.
Anyway, please use this blog to POST A NICE COMMENT ABOUT SOMEONE ON TENGAGED.  If your comment isn't nice, I'll remove it.  Make someone happy tonight or just say why you love Tengaged!

Have a good night!
Points: 116 35 comments
I'll have a bluuuuuuue Christmas without youuuuu. Dec 25, 2008
I was going to do Eiffel 65's "Blue" (YO LISTEN UP, here's a story, about a guy who lives in a blue world...) but since it's Christmas, I had to go with Elvis. 
So I bought my blue card!  And I'm playing a nice and peaceful (mostly) casting game. 
Also, my Christmas has been good.  I've avoided coughing up a lung thanks to Mucinex DM, and I got lots of lovely gifts (well, mainly gift cards).  Wooohooo!
Hope you're all having a super day!
Points: 74 17 comments
Merry (or Not) Christmas Eve Dec 24, 2008
imageIt's midnight on the East Coast and so it's officially Christmas Eve.  I could not be more elated.  Oh, wait, yeah I could.
This has not been the greatest week, due to my enduring SARS-like cough and other stuff that I won't go into.  And I just attempted to finished my Christmas shopping at 10 p.m. on Christmas Eve Eve. (FAIL.)  And then there was that Stars thing. (double FAIL.) I swear, people, I'm not a beeeatch. Nor a grandma.  Just to set the record straight.

But, I'm away from work for the next 12 days, so that's something.  And maybe one day I'll write a blog entry when I'm NOT under the influence of cough syrup.  Here's hoping!

In all seriousness, though, I wish you all safe travels if you're going somewhere, and if not, have a great whatever-holiday-you-celebrate!
Points: 83 15 comments