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Posts 556 posts

☠ Burn it Down ☠ Feb 5, 2012
imageChange one word of a movie title to the word penis.  I'll start y'all off, "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Penis"
Points: 1468 200 comments
☠ Beast and the Harlot ☠ Jan 19, 2012
DCSooner is doing the 69

Points: 282 21 comments
☠ And All Things Will End ☠ Nov 10, 2011
40 + 40 x 0 + 1= ?

A) 1

B) 41

C) 81
Points: 1364 164 comments
☠ Clairvoyant Disease ☠ Sep 13, 2011
I stopped believing in god. The reason because i think a God should accept all people, gay, straight, transsexual, or bisexual.. How is believing in human rights Satanic?
Points: 1046 53 comments
☠ I Won't See You Tonight (Part 2) ☠ Aug 25, 2011
inb4 negs :/

I'm sorry to everyone that you didn't get your bets doubled, but I truly don't need hate mail :(

During this game it was bradyman's official silver game and we were all helping him win, day 9 comes up and he wons HOH so he can't win HOH on day 10 but we think that's okay because he can still win POV to ensure that he makes a spot in the final 2, well what happened was he told us that he couldn't do the POV comp because he couldn't get on a computer so he told us we could all do the POV comp for fun... which I won our plan was that we would try to get someone to win both and take Brady to the final 2 with us but I couldn't spam for HOH because it was 2 in the morning pacific tme and everyone else in the game was sleeping :/ So sorry for the inconvience but I really don't deserve hate I would never purposely try to ruin someone's game and I feel really bad, but I do not I repeat do not have Kingmac blood in me!!

*EDIT* Oh and stop mailing hate mail to Johnster too for winning HOH... you can't win HOH twice in a row!!
Points: 543 21 comments
☠ I Won't See You Tonight (Part 1) ☠ Aug 23, 2011
I just got silver :D I wasn't gonna buy it because I was trying to save up my money but my good friend Shabootyquiqui3 is having his 400th game right now and asked me if I could join, I said yes forgetting that I was already in 2 slow games and when I realized I couldn't join, I decided to buy silver so I could =]  I like to thank all my friends who've helped me, believed in me, stood up for me, have made me laugh and smile :) and it's just so amazing to have awesome friends like I do on this site and I just want all of you to know that I'll always be there for you guys too :D So go ahead right now and I'll tell you from a 1 to 10 how much I like you and why :)

DCSooner: You are so cute I could dunk you in my coffee :D you are always nice to me and help me in any way you can and I appreicate it :D we always chat a whole bunch mostly on silly stuff LOL. Love you though. Btw cool story bro ❤ 10/10

vh1luvr15: I love talking to you but I wish we talked more I really do. Thanks for all the great memories on tengaged so far and the more to come that we'll hopefully share together ❤  9/10

dabomb127: You're so cool and we had so much fun putting up random Eminem lyrics in games together, and then we sorta fell apart and then I told you to add me as a contact to skype but you never did :( Well you better do that soon brotha!! ❤ 8/10

blackOut247: Haven't really talked to you that much but I joined your 400th game and you were really sweet :D I hope we become friends in the future ❤  7/10

Ev32: You were the first person to ever gift me and I just can't thank you enough :D I have to definitely gift you one day!! We only played I think 2 games but both times you were kind to me and honest and I appreciate it :D ❤  7 1/2/10

Katniss12: You are so sweet... I've had so much good times with you you make games so much more fun when you're in them :) Love you and kitties ftw!! ❤ 10/10

soiyer: You are so cute and I'll be honest I kinda wanna adopt you as my blue level newb haha.  Hopefully you're not creep out by that :/ 7/10

JarretStream: I remember when you weren't on tengaged for a few days and I actually panicked cuz I didn't think you were ever coming back :( Just shows you how much I care about you and couldn't imagine a tengaged life without you ❤  7 1/2/10

Straspylicek: We've had some fun chats but we don't talk that much anymore... what a shame :/ hopefully we can change that :D 7 1/2/10

TheTropicalPun: What ever happened to you? I don't see you in game no more :( cryinxx You are still an amazing person and I'm so glad we teamed up in that rookies together that we were both nominated againt in haha ❤  8 1/2/10

titan24maniac: I just love you =] You make my day sometimes haha we need to play a game together one of these days though preferably a slow one okay ❤  10/10

valdamien: I was so upset when you got banned :( and I'm so happy that you finally got unbanned :D you are a sweet person that people need to respect more!! ❤  8 1/2/10

AceSurvivor: I love talking to you... our chats are fun haha. I've been hearing you've been getting more popular by the day soon you'll probably forget about me :( jk I hope not haha ❤  9/10

amillis5: Well I haven't really talked to you before :/ but you are in The Epics same alliance one of my BFFs are in so I guess you're cool. We should talk sometime!! ❤  6/10

nelson1987911: You are sweet like sugar :D You are so kind and I luv you... we need to talk more :D You are an amazing person and don't ever change!! ❤ 10/10

redsoxfan520: You are my lil skype buddy we talk and talk and talk... and not only can we talk the talk but we can also walk the walk cuz we're cool like that ;) ily ❤ 10/10

o_elle_o: Such a kind girl one of my favorite players to join rookies with :D you are great at games and I don't really know how you do it :/ We can talk about anything even real life stuff and I know that you'll understand it's awesome to have such a great friend as you luvs you lots ❤  10/10

Meowfie: We don't talk that much but I love your vlogs and you remind me of a cat and cats are my favorite animal and I love them so I must love you too LOL ❤  6 1/2/10

Randori: We don't talk that much but I did take you out in a game that you got upset with me and decided to troll my blogs with not the nicest comments :( I decided to mail you asking what's your problem and we ended up being friends so I guess it was all worth it in the end :D ❤  6/10

Electricchapel: I met you back on my RtoB account and to be honest for the longest time I thought you were the reason I got banned from it :( but come to think of it I don't think you were!! I'm glad we started talking again and we better keep it up haha ❤ 7 1/2/10

mocallio: You're like my lil tengaged brother I love you we used to talk so much and the talking has gone down but luckily our friendship hasn't you are a great guy and I'm so happy we became friends ❤ 10/10

Juliechen24: You are such a cool girl with style and swagga just saying ;) You are always nice to me in games and I love you so much thanks for everything you've done for me  ❤ 10/10

Savcodushe: You are such a nice guy, and your humor makes you an even better closer plus you have a heart of kindness :) I kinda wish I knew more stuff about BB though because I always feel out of the loop when you talk about it in games haha  ❤ 9/10

brittyxx: You are such a sweetheart always willing to plus people's blogs help them with designs, groups or anything else :) You always have nice things to say about everyone and you are just a great person overall :) ❤ 8/10

ChrisFrancisG: I don't see you around alot and I don't think we've ever properly met but thanks for posting your name on my blog =] I appreciate it!! ❤ 5/10

JonoB: One of my first good friends on this site and our friendship is still going strong :) You are a great guy and I love watching your vlogs especially the one with ladylizard haha and I just enjoy playing games with you. love you ❤ 10/10

strokemygoat: I remember when we met we had so much fun haha. You are such a cool guy even though your name freaked me out for the longest time :/ I don't know why haha ❤ 8/10

diamond1894: You are pretty much one of the only people on this site that'll actually mail me up and ask me how I'm doing even though our conversations only are the basics of hi and what's up and no more talking LOL ❤ 7 1/2/10

MoooCoww: You were my first good friend on this site and I just gotta say that even though we've only ever played the 1 game together we need to do another one maybe you me and jono should all have an anniversary casting game =] You are a great person who everyone loves and I know you would never want to hurt anyone =] loves you ❤ 9 1/2/10

Anfx47: You're probably the person who I've helped with the most in milestone games haha :D and I always look forward to helping people so mail me whenever you want!! :D I'm just telling you that so you know I'll always be there for you... love you girl!! ❤ 8 1/2/10

ybobb: One of my favorite rookie buddies :D I'm sorry I ignored your mails for the past few days I was seriously busy (true story btw) anyways I just find you of of the nicest guys on here and I wish other people could see how kind you are but then again I guess everyone has haters :/ luv you though ❤ 10/10

unicornangel_32: You are so kind always willing to plus people's blogs or help them get a top design or even win a group game :D You are an amazing person, and I just wanna tell you don't let anyone ever let you down because you are amazing just the way you are ❤ 8/10

candaceglam: eww candaceham *pukes* jk I love you girl you and me talk so much we met on .es and you're one of my best friends on that site and one of my best friends on this site :D you are such a terrific game player and you're hilarious... if you ever make a multi you should call it samlovesham haha ❤ 10/10

CHAD814: You are such a kind person always willing to help me in games even though some of your other friends accidently join but that's alright. You are cool person and people need to stop pointing their fingers and blaming you for negging people's blogs :/ ily ❤ 9 1/2/10

BigBroChamp: I love your name makes it sound like you're gonna be the champ on big brother one day and if you ever do go on that show just know that you got my full support =] Btw we need to talk again or join another game because you are just awesome ❤ 8/10

likeamgitsme: I'm so happy you're on .com now :D We've played so many games together on .es and hopefully we'll play a whole bunch on .com soon too :) You are so sweet and always say nice things to everyone. I love you ❤ 10/10

adzo: I just wanna say right now good luck with what you're doing irl. You are such a great guy one of the most trustworthy on this site, not so much these days but we've both been busy so I understand haha :D anyways I just wanna tell you that I love you ❤ 10/10

dansterdan: You are such a generous person and everyone always and only has good things to say about you =] We need to play a game together one day :) ❤ 7/10

bands5656: You are such a wonderful person =] and you're so sweet we became friends because of mail :D and I'm so happy that we did :) I love your blogs especially the one of the sequestered game.. after I read that I thought you should take rando's place LOL love you lots ❤  9 1/2 /10

Dash: You wrote your name on my blog 2 times... did you think I would forget you silly boy :p I think you are absolutely hilarious!! You are in my opinion of one of the best bloggers on this site you are defiantly in my top 5 favorite bloggers jsyk.  Keep it up!! ❤ 8/10

TheGoodMan: We've played a few games and we've talked a bit but not that much yet I imagine you as a really good friend of mine probably cuz you're cool waves da money in the air LOL ❤ 7/10

LuvinLife123: Hey cute cousin =] I'm pretty sure you're like my first tengaged relative besides my lil irl sister but she doesn't play on here that much so so doesn't count LOL! Anyways I find you really sweet and kind and just a great person overall. Luv you ❤ 7 1/2/10

survivorfan12: You are so sweet always willing to plus other people's blogs :D We should defiantely talk more cuz I know we would make good friends :) ❤  6 1/2/10

rdude_1 aka rdude1: We had the minor fight over on .es I don't know if you remember but you might have anyways the past is the past and let's just celebrate the future =] because you are a great person and I just can't thank you enough for standing up for me when that person (I'm not gonna say any name) wrote that hate blog about me :/ ❤ 7/10

sarhanva: I'm pretty sure we've played a few games together correct me if I'm wrong my memory isn't the best LOL but you are a sweet person and you're really good at rookies =] I have lots of respect for you ❤ 6 1/2/10

Evalynn: I don't know if we've ever talked but I do see your name on the blog page quite often... you're quite funny even if your humour is kinda bad but we all have bad humour :p ❤ 5/10

AustinRules6969: Well I'm just gonna say right now that  I'm so happy that you're back on tengaged it was a shame that you got banned :( but like they say things happen for a reason.. I love you and just want you to know that you'll always be a close friend of mine ❤ 10/10

TheStan: We talked and then we stop talking and then we talk and then we stop talking kinda like a pattern haha. Anyways you're really cool and I'm looking forward to your Big Brother Story that I'm in :D I can tell already that it's gonna be a blast!! ❤ 7 1/2/10

VanQueen: You are just an amazing person inside and out... I love helping you with designs because you just are an amazing designer and would help anyone if they needed it ❤ 7/10

Johnster: Well I just stole 1t$ from your donation jk You are a really good person :) whose amazing at games especially POV comps! You are defiantly my favorite person to join rookies/frookies with these days :p jsyk.  Sorry that I tease you so much haha it's just my way of having a good time ;) ❤ 9/10

joe1110: I don't know if we've ever spoken but you seem like a cool guy and if we have then tell me please haha. Anyways I would like to get to know you if that can be arrange ;) ❤ 5/10

astone929: You are person that no one wants to mess around with you're just tough like that!! You stand up for yourself and for your friends which just makes you a fantastic person :) wish we would talk more though :( ❤ 8/10

peace123: We never added each other as friends on this site but I still feel like you are and still call you one :) I hope we become better friends and for now :) cheers to us ❤ 7 1/2/10

Shabootyquiqui3: Well you're the reason I bought silver and wrote this blog in the face place LOL I'm so happy I was able to help a good friend =] You're always asking me to help you and games and I can never join them and I always feel bad about it :(  It's also a shame you died in my 200th game :/ but $hit happens sometimes LOL I luv you and I think you're a great guy ❤ 10/10

TheGreatXL: I don't think we've ever spoken or had a conversation... but I will tell you one thing that your avatar's hair is wicked!! ;) You seem like a really good person and I hope I see you around :D ❤ 5/10

spiderboom: ily :) you are such a kind, sweet, generous person!! :D  You're fun to be around you're like the life of the party but you know when there's been enough drama which I love ❤ 8/10
Points: 657 66 comments