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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

The "Brains" Aren't Really Living Up to Expectations

Feb 27, 2014 by Number1SurvivorFan
I'm sorry, I just have to blog about this.

For anyone who hasn't seen the first episode of Survivor Cagayan, DO NOT READ THIS! IT CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 1!

So anyway, the "Brains" tribe have not been acting very smart. I'm gonna list off all of the things that they did wrong:
1) David picked the strongest guy as the weakest member, and on top of that stated that he was already thinking about "the last 2/3 of the game" Umm, hello? Wouldn't that make people want to target you in, i dunno, the first third of the game???  That caused Garret to target you, so that pretty much meant the end of your game, thanks to your actions and Kass's.
2) Kass told J'Tia right to her face that she was going to go home.  Not so smart.  All it took after that was J'Tia talking to Tasha and Garret, and your #1 ally was toast.
3) J'Tia was unable to complete the challenge, even though the "Brains" had a gigantic lead over everyone! And the challenge was a puzzle. *face palm*
4) After the challenge, Garret decided to hold an open forum for everyone to discuss who was going home, and once again pointed a finger at J'Tia. And he forbid any strategy talk afterwards!  That made Tasha mad, and made Kass questionable about Garret. Even Spencer, Garret's #1 ally thought it was stupid.
5) J'Tia POURED OUT 98% of their rice!!! That's not gonna help you in any way.  That distanced her from the rest of her tribe, and pissed them off even more!
6) Garret's Tribal Council performance on day 6. I don't even think I need to explain this.  He basically outed every single one of the alliances on the Brains tribe, then tried to backtrack and just confused everyone, and then he fought with both J'Tia and Tasha and caused them all to vote him out.
7) In the end, THEY DIDN'T EVEN VOTE OUT J'TIA!!! They kept in the girl who sucked in challenges, and threw out all of their food! And they decided to vote out Garret, the most physically fit guy in their entire tribe! 
8) Garret left his idol at camp before tribal! He didn't have it with him, so he couldn't save himself, and now someone else might dig it up! Imagine if Garret survived the day 6 TC.  He might've checked to see if his idol was there, and find it gone, because Tasha just happened to have found it beforehand.  That wasn't very smart at all.

Sorry for that little rant, I just had to mention it.  Hopefully the Brains tribe can find some way to win the next challenge, or they're toast. I kind of feel bad for Tasha and Spencer, since they seem to be the two smartest people on the Brains tribe.



Tasha is probably the smartest currently, but I feel like J'Tia is just playing dumb.
Sent by lassidoggy,Feb 27, 2014
I feel bad for Tasha and Spencer. They're actually competent but J'Tia is maybe the worst survivor ever and Kass made two totally boneheaded calls (telling J'Tia she was going home, the voting with J'Tia) last night. This tribe is doomed.
Sent by spatt12,Feb 27, 2014
Garret has no idea how to play the game. He has an open  "open fourm" how does that help u? I agree that he was just making himself a target and Tasha right now is my favorite shes wants to play the game  but garret and J'Tia doesn't so its very interesting and im still interested in the beauty tribe and how tony is gonna turn out with cliff so hopefully it will be a great season!
Sent by carterbehne,Feb 27, 2014
spatt12 I totally agree.  I had high hopes for Kass, and I wanted her to go far. As for her situation right now, she's still in a good spot, but she made some really terrible moves to get there.
Sent by Number1SurvivorFan,Feb 27, 2014
Number1SurvivorFan Yea, but if I was her I would rather be with Garrett and Spencer than psycho J'Tia. I think she is still a third, and J'Tia is next to go after she singlehandedly messes up another challenge. Then they will have no choice but to swap I would think, and it's a fresh start for everyone. Gonna be fun to watch it unfold!
Sent by spatt12,Feb 28, 2014

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