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The Oedipus's blog

Posts 59 posts

Oedipus' Big Questions: Round 2 (Good & Evil) Jan 26, 2023

Welcome back philosophers! It is time for your first elimination round!

🥊🥊🥊ROUND 2🥊🥊🥊
😇Does pure good and evil exist?😈

Good and evil are usually discussed in conjunction with one another within the philosophy sphere. They are also the foundation for many religions and even social groups. One common disagreement on the topic of good and evil is whether it truly exists? Are there truly things in the world that are PURELY good and PURELY evil? Why or why not? I can't wait to read your thoughts.


To answer the question, simply send your answer in the comment section (you can only send one comment... so don't send multiple otherwise I'll either ask you to combine them or choose one). You have until this blog expires to submit! Good luck philosophers and be careful, the bottom two answers will be nominated for elimination!!


🧠Karma ( KarmaSutra)
🧠Wolven ( Wolven6974)
🧠Jay ( teamclay)
🧠Mackey ( Mackey)
🧠Princess ( princesspretty)
🧠Johnny ( suit)
🧠Stranded (@Stranded)
🧠Andalarew ( andalarew_2231)
🧠Lifeiscool ( lifeiscool)
🧠Ryan ( Nanonerd)
Points: 52 10 comments
Oedipus' Big Questions: Round 1 (Results) Jan 26, 2023

Welcome back philosophers! It's time for the results of round one!

🥊🥊🥊ROUND 1🥊🥊🥊
What is the meaning of life?

Human beings spend a large portion of life searching for meaning and purpose. It is of no surprise then, that the big question of 'what is the meaning of life?' arises. How people answer this question often plays a large role in how they then lead their life and even how they view their inevitable death. So how do YOU answer this question? What is the meaning of YOUR life? What is YOUR purpose? Does purpose/meaning even exist?


I will now review each of your answers and give my thoughts.


While I do like your perspective that ‘no one can tell the actual meaning of life’ I feel you could have gone deeper here. Why can no one tell what the actual meaning of life is? It seems you half answered this by giving examples of what the meaning of life is for some people but I would have loved for you to have gone deeper. As well as this, it would have been great to hear your PERSONAL perspective on the question, it seems you stated what OTHER people may give as their life’s meaning, but it would have been nice to learn about what YOU personally believe is the meaning of YOUR life.


Your perspective while common is quite logical and well thought out. I also thought it was interesting how you mentioned that the meaning of life can be what other people think others life goals should be. However, once again I would have loved to learn of what YOUR personal thoughts are on what the meaning of your life is. You said ‘it is whatever you choose it to be’ so what do YOU choose it to be? However, I thought your answer was well thought out and provoking.


You gave two very interesting answers here. First that giving life meaning is to give yourself motivation to live. And that the meaning of life is happiness. For both, you were also able to explain the ‘why’ aspect well. You showed reasoning and deep thinking, while remaining honest and providing a new perspective to the discussion. What I appreciated most was that you didn’t just state your answer, you went on to explain it.


I felt this answer was very honest and I truly understand you as a person more through reading this. You also introduced an interesting thought that we are all here for a reason and the meaning of life is to find that passion/reason.


My favourite thing about your answer was reading your personal thoughts that “we are here to take care of the Earth”. I would have LOVED to hear more about this in your answer as it was a very fresh perspective on the topic. As a whole your answer definitely showed deep thinking through your discussion of how it varies amongst each person, but still is rooted in destiny, once again a little more depth here would have been interesting to read too.


What I loved most about your answer was that you didn’t dance around the topic. You got straight to the point and then explained why you believe this. I do believe you could have went into a little more depth regarding the ‘why’ aspect, however I felt you were very honest in your answer.


In your answer you out-right said life has no meaning. And you were able to back up your answer through your explanation and provide a new perspective on life. Others who answered similarly to you were not able to truly explain WHY they believe life lacks meaning or WHY it changes from person to person, but I feel your explanation explained this well AND provided an optimistic touch to such a pessimistic outlook. You showed deep thinking and honesty in your answer.


Your answer was quite interesting. It seems your answer was rooted in mortality and the finitude of life, which is quite a fresh perspective. I do believe you could have explained this better/more but I felt, as a whole, your answer was quite honest and showed deep thinking through a new lens.


I loved the honesty in your response. Although it did feel as though you contradicted yourself in your answer. At one point you said ‘there is no purpose to life’ and then you stated ‘we are only here to reproduce…’ therefore, it seems you are saying the meaning of life is to reproduce. This biological approach to the question could have been better explained, rather than via a throwaway sentence. I do however, appreciate the deep-thinking and explanation you gave when disregarding abstract purposes of life.


I enjoyed the view of ‘it depends on our perceptions of life’ that you introduced. While it is similar to many approaches previously mentioned I feel like it explains why we all give ourselves different meanings well. Therefore, you have introduced a well-reasoned and honest argument to the discussion.


Now for the moment you have all been waiting for!!! Results!! I will begin by announcing the player who won the round. This player will have immunity in the next round. Meaning if they are in the bottom two, the player in 3rd last will be nominated for elimination instead.

The player with the best answer was...



Your explanation was clear and well reasoned while providing honesty and deep thinking, and this is why you have won this round.

Although this round is NOT an elimination round. Lets see how it WOULD have played out if it was.

The players in the bottom 2 were...


Mackey and Wolven

Both your answers failed to really dive deep into the topic and show true honesty and what the meaning of life is to you personally. That is why you are at the bottom of todays rankings.

However, only 1 of you would have been eliminated.
The player that WOULD HAVE been eliminated is...



Unfortunately, Wolven's answer gave more specificity than yours and was able to explain the 'why' aspect a little better. In the future more depth and honesty in your answer will help you score higher :). You would have ranked lowest overall this round (since this has been the only ranking so far) and would have been eliminated. Lucky for you this is not an elimination round and you are still in the game!


For the rest of you, here is where you ranked this round!

1. Ryan ( Nanonerd) (10 points)
2. Johnny ( suit) (9 points)
3. Andalarew ( andalarew_2231) (8 points)
4. Jay ( teamclay) (7 points)
5. Karma ( KarmaSutra) (6 points)
6. Stranded ( Stranded) (5 points)
7. Princess ( princesspretty) (4 points)
8. Lifeiscool ( lifeiscool) (3 points)
9. Wolven ( Wolven6974) (2 points)
10. Mackey ( Mackey) (1 point)
Points: 59 5 comments
Oedipus' Big Questions: Round 1 (Meaning) Jan 24, 2023

Welcome philosophers! Over the next coming days the 10 of you will voice your thoughts on the world until just one of you remains! Good luck! And I can't wait to hear your thoughts!

🥊🥊🥊ROUND 1🥊🥊🥊
What is the meaning of life?

Human beings spend a large portion of life searching for meaning and purpose. It is of no surprise then, that the big question of 'what is the meaning of life?' arises. How people answer this question often plays a large role in how they then lead their life and even how they view their inevitable death. So how do YOU answer this question? What is the meaning of YOUR life? What is YOUR purpose? Does purpose/meaning even exist?


At the end of this round there will NOT be an elimination. This first question is a broad, and popular philosophical question. One that when answered it often deeply rooted in the fundamental beliefs of a person.

While I will still rank your answers (based on the three categories I previously mentioned: deep thinking, honesty and new perspectives), this round is mainly focussed on me getting to know the cast and introducing how we all think ideologically and philosophically. So try not to stress too much about how you answer this! Be as raw as you like because at the end of this round there will still be 10 philosophers in the game!


To answer the question, simply send your answer in the comment section (you can only send one comment... so don't send multiple otherwise I'll either ask you to combine them or choose one). You have until this blog expires to submit! Good luck philosophers!!


🧠Karma ( KarmaSutra)
🧠Wolven ( Wolven6974)
🧠Jay ( teamclay)
🧠Mackey ( Mackey)
🧠Princess ( princesspretty)
🧠Johnny ( suit)
🧠Stranded ( Stranded)
🧠Andalarew ( andalarew_2231)
🧠Lifeiscool ( lifeiscool)
🧠Ryan ( Nanonerd)
Points: 57 10 comments
Oedipus' Big Questions: PYN Jan 24, 2023

SOOOO this may sound confusing. Weird. And. All round stupid. BUT I thought to myself. There are music taste games. There are movie taste games. But what about 'Life taste'... now I KNOW what you're thinking... WTFFFFFFFFFFF this sounds like a stoner wrote this. But yes. I want to hear everyone's philosophical and idealogical views... but make it a game. Where someone is eliminated after each round.


I want to provide a fun and exciting way to facilitate deep conversations and get to know some new perspectives on life :)

📝📝📝How will it work???📝📝📝

Well. Its easy and (in my opinion) minimal effort only requiring you answer with your honest opinion. Each day I will ask a question about life, for example, "what are your thoughts on religion?" OR "what does 'love' mean to you?"... And then I will rank your answers (I know this may sound controversial considering I will have my own opinion) HOWEVER I will not rank according to what I believe or what I think is "right", what I am looking for in answers is deep thinking, new perspectives and honesty. For example an answer like "I think religion is stupid" will likely be ranked low, while honest, it shows no deep thinking and provides no new perspective to the conversation surrounding 'religion'. By all means you could say this answer, but to rank higher more would be needed to JUSTIFY the answer (as this is what philosophy is all about).

💔💔💔How will eliminations work?💔💔💔

After ranking answers everyone will receive a score based on how they rank....

For example if there are 10 players... the highest ranked player will receive 10 points and the lowest will receive 1 point. After each round the lowest two ranked answers will be nominated for elimination. The player with the lowest amount of points out of the two will then be eliminated.

👤👤👤How many players???👤👤👤

Honestly, I have NO idea whether people will actually want to play this soooo we shall see how many people want to join and go from there, so FOR NOW I'm not setting a limit. I will simply add everyone who wishes to join and we will go from there. I think the more people that join the better, as this will provide more conversation and discussion!

To play just write your name/nickname in the comment section. I will mail you when the game begins :). Expect it to be daily or every 2 days.


Karma ( KarmaSutra)
Wolven ( Wolven6974)
Jay ( teamclay)
Mackey ( Mackey)
Princess ( princesspretty)
Johnny ( suit)
Lajoaqui ( Lajoaqui)
Stranded ( Stranded)
Andalarew ( andalarew_2231)
Lifeiscool ( lifeiscool)
Ryan ( Nanonerd)
Points: 85 14 comments
Someone just anonymously gifted me?! Jan 12, 2023
To whoever it was! thank you!!!!!!! I feel underserving of your generosity <3
Points: 60 1 comments
Don't ban me but... Jan 12, 2023
It's about time someone designed a better site than this.

There is a clear community for playing reality games. And if someone could make a website or even an app that has a better/modernised layout, less blog looking, more 'app' looking, new games (not going to lie... fastings/castings and all the rest are like WISH versions of the potential I believe the games on here could have). Better marketing and social media outreach, better Avatar systems... because honestly these avatars (especially to begin with) are super shitty. And countless more. If no one is going to sell this site. Then someone should start fresh. This site is outdated AND there are so many things that just could be better that I think someone should start from the ground up.

Furthermore, the way this site treats new players really ensures that new players never stay for long. The community treats them like outcasts or multis and levelling up is nearly impossible to achieve. No one stays on a game knowing they'll have to spend YEARS to achieve big goals. Games are successful when people can progress quickly.

Mini games (or challenges per say) have a lot to be desired. With only a few games in the whole site I think there's INFINITE room to expand this. HUNDREDS of different challenges could be created, but once again 0 effort has been put into this site and we are stuck with zoo, deal, flakes, count me, words, sum me and find me (pretty sure thats all of them) AND they also are formatted poorly.

EDIT: oh and presumably two new minigames/challenges... lovely. (still not scraping the tip of the iceberg this concept could be)

Furthermore, through a better formatted and better run platform we could have events run more efficiently and consistently, which would once again help maintain engagement and activity on the platform as it would keep things interesting and fresh. This prevents players becoming bored and leaving the site.

So someone make a new one. Show me a beta version and I'll even invest in this shit I SWEAR. YOU DONT UNDERSTAND HOW AMAZING THIS COULD BE. Why are we waiting for this site to improve when it only gets worse.

I know its easy to view me as someone complaining, yet I still use this site. BUT the potential this concept has is truly being wasted on this site. So much better can and SHOULD be done. It's a goldmine. All someone needs to do is start digging rather than panning.

Thank you for tuning in to another segment of my 'don't ban me but..'
Points: 542 11 comments