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The P07H34D's blog

Posts 34 posts

Diary room idea for tengaged May 13, 2012
Set a separate tab for diary rooms, like have public comments, private messages, then a diary room section. Make it private for you to write your ideas, and opinion of other players. Then at the end of the game, you have a choice to make your public or not, for everyone to read when the games over. Give me feedback. Thank ya!
Points: 27 3 comments
I'am now officially announcing my run for president of the United States Apr 26, 2012
I have realized that I'am the only person running for the nomination of the Tengaged party. With this blog post I'am not only announcing my campaign for president of the United States, I'am also accepting the nomination of the Tengaged party for the president of the United States, and to fully represent the party. So remember, when you go to vote in November, remember that you can look past the phony conservative in Mitt Romney, and the so called "liberal" in Barrack Obama. Remember that you can vote for a true liberal in November.
Iam P07H34D, and I approve this message
Points: 28 2 comments
NFL: The browns took Brandon Weeden Apr 26, 2012
imageare you kidding me?!? what the hell is brandon weeden going to do for that team? they have no recievers, no defense, no offensive line, and a starting QB. Taking Weeden was the dumbest thing that team could have done.
This pic is pretty much the only way i can describe the browns right now. just imagine that player in a browns jersey
Points: 18 4 comments
Plus my design? Apr 24, 2012
Points: 6 0 comments
Big Brother 14 twist idea Apr 18, 2012
O.K. so after the embaresment of what was Big Brother season 13, i have come up with a great twist for AG to use to get ratings shooting through the roof.

Big Brother 14: Junkies.
4 meth heads
4 heroin addicts
4 coke heads
4 OxyContin addicts

Instead of competing for food, they compete for there drugs. Think about it. watching 12 drug addicts withdrawal, while locked in a house with no outside contact, you tell me that wouldnt be the greatest season that we have ever seen.
Points: 3 1 comments
Follow me on twitter:) Sep 29, 2011
I'll follow back
Points: 5 2 comments