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The PSULucky's blog

Posts 168 posts

How adorkable May 30, 2016
I'm typing the alphabet into tg and seeing who comes up for each letter. If your name appears here it means I was probably snooping on your profile recently :x #strangerdanger

A - ak73
B - brotastic67
C - cutieamy
D - davelooney
E - etaco75
F - fireandice101
G - gentlemang
H - honeybunch1
I - imprincearthur
J - jenzie
K - krisstory
L - lemjam6
M - m7md26
N - noah_kondon
O - owlb0ned
P - petro
Q - qazwdxedc
R - roxas546
S - spiderboom
T - tofutime
U - useamint
V - vansreborn
W - woeisme
X - xrain_shooter
Y - yoshicoolman
Z - zorbo678

:') Goodnight you lucky 26 ^_^
Points: 47 18 comments
Hello TG =] May 27, 2016
How is your Friday night !?
Points: 17 10 comments
You're all WONDERFUL May 23, 2016
Points: 8 0 comments
Rate your day / 10 May 23, 2016
Points: 17 4 comments
Thanks! May 13, 2016
AshleyBabyx3 for the gift and HaliFord for the safe delivery < 3
Points: 23 1 comments
100 Questions Thang May 9, 2016
Thanks to the lovely Phenomanimal for tagging me :*

1. Real name: David
2. Nickname: Trumpeteer, Party Animal Dave, Dahveeed, Speckled Hen, Unk, Daveo, Shnookleberry 
3. Favorite color: Yellow
4. Male or female: Male
5. Sign: Cancer
6. Favorite Elementary (K-8) grade: 8th
7. Favorite High (9-12) grade: 12th
8. Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi
9. Hair color: Dark brown
10. Height: 6'0
11. Sexuality: Gay
12. Phone or computer: Computer
13. Health freak: Somewhat
14. Orange or apple: Orange
15. Do you have a crush: Yes
16. Guy friends or girl friends: Girl friends, but I like to have both :)
17. Piercings: No
18. Would you backstab your #1 friend for a stars win: No
19. Have you been in an airplane: Yes
20. Have you been in a relationship: Yes
21. Have you been in a car accident: Yes
22. Have you been in a fist fight: No
23. When did you wake up this morning: 11:30 AM because I'm SICK :(
24. Best Friend: not sure !
25. Award you'd be given: Academic award
26. First crush: irl? some guy in middle school prob =]
27. Mom or Dad: loves both parents
28. Any talent: Writing =]
29. Last person you talked to: My mom
30. Last person you texted: My friend Amy
31. Last person you watched a movie with: My parents and my neighbor
32. Last thing you ate: Ice cream
33. Last movie/ TV show you watched: Bridge of Spies (movie), Game of Thrones (TV show)
34. Last song you listened to: Sober by Selena G-money
35. Last thing you bought: Medicine
36. Last person you hugged: My mumsy =]
37. Fav Food: Taco Bell!
38. Fav Drink:Vitamin Water
39. Art or Science: I LOVE BOTH
40. Fave Flower: Rose because it's so sinister =]
41. Fave Animal: Probably something that flies
42. Fave Movie: Momento IDK
44. Top or Bottom: Top =]
•Have you? (Put an X in the brackets if yes.)
45. [X] fallen in love with someone
46. [X] lied to your family about where you were
47. [X] Had your heart broken
48. [] went over the minutes/ texts on your phone
49. [X] had an enemy
50, [] been in a life threatening situation
51. [X] had an STD test
52. [X] been bullied
53. [X] did something you regret
54. [X] broken a promise
55. [X] hid a secret
56. [X] pretend to be happy
57. [X] met someone who has changed your life
58. [X] pretended to be sick
59. [X] left the country
60. [] kissed a straight boy (if gay) or kissed someone of the same gender (if straight)
61. [] cried in the last week
62. [X] ran a mile
63. [X] kissed in the rain
64. [X] lost a good friend
65. [X] broken up with someone
66. [] cheated on someone
67. Eating: Nothing !
68. Drinking: Nothing !
69. Listening to: Nothing !
70. Sitting or laying: Sitting
71. Plans for today: Being lazy because I'm SICK :(
72. Waiting for: Me to be healthy again =[
73. Want kids: My opinion of this is back and forth, ask me in a few years!
74. Want to get married: Eventually yeah
75. Want to travel: Yes
•What do you look for in a partner?
76. Lips or eyes: Eyes
77. Shorter or taller: Than me? My height or shorter
78. Younger or older: Roughly my age, maybe 1-2 years younger :)
79. Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic
80. Trouble-maker or mature: Mature
81. Hook up or relationship: Relationship
82. Looks or personality: Honestly it's a combo of both, but personality is more important
•Have you ever:
83. Lost glasses: Yes
84. Snuck out of the house: Yes
85. Held a gun/ knife in self defense: No
86. Killed somebody: Uh no
87. Broke someone's heart: Yes
88. Been in love: Yes
89. Cried when someone dies: Yes
•Do you believe in:
90. Yourself: Sometimes
91. Miracles: Yes
92. Love at first sight: Yes
93. Heaven: Yes
94. Santa clause: No
95. Aliens: It would be highly improbable for Earth to have the only form of life, so yes =]
96. Ghosts/ angels: Yes
97. Is there one person you really want to be with right now: Yes
98. What’s the one thing you cannot live without: Writing
99. Do you believe in God: Yes
100: Would you consider yourself truly happy? No

A few other lovely individuals who should do this and who haven't already done it !

Points: 22 1 comments