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The Peculio's blog

Posts 13 posts

📺 TV STARS 📺 ❤️ Oct 14, 2022
Points: 484 21 comments
OBRIGADO ⭐️❤️ Aug 28, 2022
Desculpe pelo atraso, aqui vamos nós... Entrei neste jogo sem nenhuma esperança de ser um campeão, porque não baixei discórdia, não crio blogs, não sou popular e não continuo puxando e forçando a amizade com ninguém! Estou muito feliz com o meu desempenho, quem não gostou, sinto muito.  Sou muito grato pelo apoio de todos que me encorajaram e me deram a força para acreditar que eu poderia ser campeão. Quero agradecer especialmente à Fraternidade Z, aos outros brasileiros que não fazem parte dela e são praticamente todos os meus amigos and aqueles de outros países que se identificam comigo.
brunodrads, Workbitch e Miiaa por acreditarem em mim desde o primeiro dia.  Todos os e-mails recebidos e todos os blogs que me defendem. OBRIGADO!  Celsius speed12 Soulever brunotrevizani temponeptune Eu realmente quero ver vocês ganharem suas 1a estrela o mais rápido possível, vocês também merecem, podem contar com a minha ajuda.
Points: 387 27 comments
Since day one I got a target on my back but each poll that I survived I could get my opponents more surprised. I made allies along the way but they did still put me up against two friends of mine. That was hard and sad to deal with but I never complained about xenophobia or something else, I just wanted to prove that I was capable to turn the game in my favor and I DID! Every single time when I survived a poll I got stronger, honestly they made me stronger and when they even realized... well, everyone just came at me trying to work with me. But honestly? This wasn't happening because I didn't want 😚 I lowkey wanted revenge and then I managed to put all of them up in the last two polls (that's why I didn't get nominated for 5th or 4th). I'm fully thankful for all your support until here I couldn't expect made it so far but you guys helped me and brought me here. Yes baby I'm a stars FINALIST. Thank you, tengaged I LOVE YOU! <3

Vote here:
Points: 529 19 comments
⭐️Obrigado 50,5% ❤️ Aug 26, 2022
This is my first stars and they've wanted me out from day one. I managed to move in a few days and escaped and fought so I wasn't here. Let me stay, it's going to be fun to face the people who are putting me here.


Celsius if I don't win, you have my supporters, you're a lovely person🥰
Points: 547 24 comments
Thank you 59.0% ⭐️ Aug 23, 2022
Today I don't celebrate for staying, but I appreciate every vote for staying, I hope I don't disappoint you. brunotrevizani is a friend and a love of person, I hope you will soon win this game. kisses to everyone.
Points: 101 8 comments
⭐️ Stars - Nom for 16th ⭐️ Aug 21, 2022
Wow, it's my 1st stars and I'm already here even tho trust me yall I've tried everything to avoid be on the block so early but wasn't enough. I ain't done yet SAVE ME send me back and I'll blow that house up. Count on you guys. GL Tbart <3
Points: 273 12 comments