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Halloween Story - Cornelius Candee Oct 23, 2011
imageCornelius Candee

        It’s Halloween Night, and every human is giving out my relatives. (Candy) I’m so ready for my peaceful night. Get in a human’s bag, and eventually be in a stomach. So exciting! I hope my adventure turns out just the way I want it. I hope.
        So looks like I’m with Frank Bobby this year. He isn’t typically the most graceful human I’ve ever seen. He’s actually quite big and obnoxious. As I drop into the bag, I see the most attractive candy corn. Speaking of candy, I forgot to mention my name. I’m Cornelius Candee, and I’m obviously a Starburst. Anyway, my greeting was supposed to turn out with me saying how beautiful she is and that we should hang out. As usual, it doesn’t turn out exactly the way I had hoped.
        As she flutters her eyelashes, I start to get nervous. All I can do is blush and hurtle away as fast as I could. However, since it’s a small bag, all I could do is stand with my back turned to the rest of the candy. She approached me even before I could feel bad for myself. “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” assured the admirable candy corn.
        “I’m sorry, I’m just nervous. May I ask for your name?” I asked.
        “I’m Candice Cornette!” she exclaimed.
        Everything was now going my way, until now. Frank Bobby is getting hungry, and of course grabs out Candice to eat. I cry out her name, in anger and shock. I know there’s nothing I could now do. She will be eaten, and my love will be gone. Wait, can it be?! Is this really happening?!
        Frank actually drops Candice to the ground! I hear some bullies yell out “Butterfingers!” I assume that he isn’t good with holding candy, which is great. I can still find Candice! All I must do if find a way to escape this bag. I see King-Sized Snicker Bars, and stack them up. I grip my stubby legs in each bar, and flip my way up. When I hop out, I notice we are much farther away from where he dropped Candice. “NO!!!” I scream in horror. I bend down on my short knees, knowing I’m doomed to ever find Candice.
        By midnight, Candice will rot out and die on the sidewalk. I know I can’t let that happen. I dash through dozens of kids trying to trace my way back to where Candice was located. I knew where she dropped, because I saw a tilted tree where Frank dropped her. I bounce in joy as I see the tilted tree in the horizon. When I arrive to the tree, I don’t see Candice.
        I then realize that Frank’s friend, Carl Johnson, had taken Candice to his house across the street. “This can’t be happening,” I think to myself as I run to Carl’s house. I quickly climb upstairs to Carl’s room before I get chomped up by the savage dog they have.
        When I tip-toe into the room, the first thing I notice is the giant lava lamp on his high shelf. It’s green, and has a bright tint to it that I never saw before. I notice Carl doing these odd experiments to poor Candice. I take my stubby legs, hop on his desk, and slowly climb up.
        Before I think of anything, I just dash through the desk, picking up Candice on the way. I take a high jump off the desk, land perfectly (yeah I’m that extreme), and run as fast as my tiny feet can carry me. I slide down the stairs and escape the house before the vigorous dog catches me. I roll onto the sidewalk, still holding Candice in my tiny shaking arms. She hops down, and gives me the biggest hug I could ever ask for. Before she can make me explode, I ask her to stop. Candice holds me and exclaims, “Cornelius, I-“
        “Say no more. Come with me Candice!” I take her hand and we skip into Cary Smith’s, my original owner’s, big house. We hop into the candy basket and live happily ever after, at least for now.

(Comment suggestions if you'd like)
Points: 10 3 comments
Some Changes I'd Make To Tengaged (1) - Castings Oct 18, 2011

1. 1-6 hours for the F3 wait, not fucking 12. RIDICULOUS IN MY OPINION.
2. 5-7 Karma for 1st, 3-5 Karma for 2nd, 1-3 Karma for 3rd.
3. Instead of 5 minutes, it should be 7. It'll give more time for a game, so PoV isn't luck / plusses.
4. If an inactive is gone for 10+ minutes after the game starts, they should be automatically evicted.


1. 3 Keys and 5 Apples per day.
2. Only 2 nominees, 3 can be too stressing.
(I know you'll eventually get 2 nominees, but still.)
3. After 15 hours of inactivity, you should be automatically evicted.

If you don't agree, just put a comment and say what you think they should change or change mine up a little. (;

If I really like one, I'll add it! :D
Points: 86 9 comments
If you could ban anyone in the HoF... Oct 15, 2011
imageWho would it be and why? [Has to be in the top 20]
Points: 66 14 comments
To All The Noobs Out There With No Designs.. Oct 13, 2011

30 noobs like me will be getting a christmas gift! O:

Yeaaa.. and if you already have a lot of designs..feel free to spam a noobs name and help them get a gift (:
Points: 14 0 comments
PYN 1 - Positive Comments Oct 8, 2011
Well, I'm going to do a PYN thing and what not. PYN and I'll put something positive I know about you. If I don't know you, I'll say something positive about your avatar. Kbye.

Ditzy - You're my Ditzy Doo lover. We've been friends for a while on xat and i love you, hun.

Fire - My hilarious GIF giver. I love you. You stick up for me a lot soooo...another reason to love you.

BBTD - Another hoe. I love talking to you on xat. Love the Brandon icon btw. He looks like he's moaning! :D

Fab - I know you, we just don't talk as much anymore. You're perty chill though. (;
(And I deleted them, they got annoying)
Points: 15 6 comments
Light Green Oct 6, 2011
Yayyy. 1 step closer from being less of a noob.. (;
Points: 19 2 comments