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King Steven

Posts 3283 posts

You're so shady Jan 3, 2017
Cornelia you give me very sketchy vibes. I would leave my children with 2388 before you. I don't trust you
Points: 27 3 comments
Post your favorite songs Jan 3, 2017
I wanna listen to something good.
Points: 50 16 comments
Moms of Tengaged: Jan 2, 2017

They're always so nice and sweet to me. I'm lucky to have them as friends.
Points: 66 4 comments
The Witches Coven alliance ranked Jan 2, 2017
1st. Abi-Maria Gomes: I mean come on, she's the most iconic villain of new-school Survivor and probably the greatest character to EVER play Survivor. She's a G.ODDESS and we must insure that she wins HvV2 in all costs. ICONIC

2nd. Kelley Wentworth: Flopped at SJDS, but became a fucking legend on Cambodia. This is why you bring back pre-merge boots that had so much potential. Many people aspire to be the next Wentworth (Hali, Sierra & Sarah) and her 2 idol plays gave me LIFE. Goes down as one of the best comebacks in Survivor history.

3rd. Kass: Goddess of Chaos! Amazing television on Cagayan and was cut way too short on Cambodia by that cunt Tasha. Kass for Heroes vs. Villains 2 and hopefully she slays everyone, again. I died when she was making that necklace for Wentworth and they all thought it was a fake idol, Ah good times.

4th. Ciera: Now we get to the Wiched Witch of Survivor, Ciera "Big Movez" Eastin. Honestly, I find her to be extremely unlikable and unbearable to watch. If someone tells me "Oh Steven she voted out her MILF Mom" I'm gonna scream. She's an overrated mess, and extremely irritating and bitchy. I hope she's first boot.

Points: 28 3 comments
I never win Castings Jan 2, 2017
There's always that 1 fucking person that flops in every other game but magically gets 10 keys and wins every challenge in your game. Tengaged is rigged against me, AMERICA SHOULD GET A PERCENTAGE OF THE VOTES!
Points: 15 4 comments
This guy on Twitter Jan 2, 2017
He followed me  like a week ago, and he's been obsessed with me ever since. He would tag me in everything ad ask me questions literally every day. He's just so gross and I want him to leave me alone, but I wanna be nice about it.
Points: 0 3 comments