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The Stevetheborder's blog

Posts 16 posts

Not okay Oct 7, 2012
I honestly come to this site to play and have fun, most of us do correct? I was just in a game and one of my friends was being personally attacked because he was gay and friends with someone. And the people kept ridiculing him and that is just not okay. We come here for fun, not to make peoples lives worse. Please people, do not stoop down to that level.
Points: 0 1 comments
Give this man props! Sep 25, 2012
My man DamienTheReal won his first ever game of Fastings without pming or talking on main chat and not winning any POVs, that is hard to accomplish! He earns a good congrats! :)
Points: 0 0 comments
Awesome Frookie Changes Sep 24, 2012
Some things that I think would make Frookies better for the players, feel free to disagree. :)

1: Change back refunds to Final 6, us poor players need to make money back.
2: HOH should decide ties, it would make the experience more realistic.

All I have for now, will add more later. :) Feel free to comment your ideas and I will add them!
Points: 0 0 comments
Backdoor Sep 24, 2012
Backdooring is a bad thing, everyone does it, it hurts when it is done to you, but when you do it you feel like its okay. Its a weird thing, its a bitter sweet thing.
Points: 18 10 comments
Confusion Sep 20, 2012
How come in Castings people target you for designs? You do not go into it with an advantage, you do not go into it better then everyone else, so why hate on it? Anyone is aloud to play.
Points: 0 2 comments
Here is an idea Sep 18, 2012
How about instead of charities, you go earn your fucking win like everyone else, like seriously, charities are the biggest waste of money and its rude to people who join and get cheated out of money, go earn a win and stop being a pussy.
Points: 7 2 comments