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My blog!!!

Posts 95 posts

CLICK RIGHT HERE ON THE PLUS------> + Mar 13, 2010
Congrats! You clicked the plus. You are awesome. Because you are awesome. You get to up this post! Now after you up the post. You get to hear this...

Points: 9 1 comments
HEY LOOK AT THIS POST!!!!!! Mar 13, 2010
Whats up everyone?????? Up this post if you LOVE LaDy GaGa!!!! Then post your name and ill tell you how awesome your name is through a 1-10!!!!!!

Bluepanties- 7

IvsterX13- 10
Points: 0 2 comments
What is the real definition of being popular? Mar 12, 2010
What is cool? Why are all the mean kids "cool"? Is the definition of cool: Mean? Why do people say they are cool? They don't think people talk about them behind their back? Are you cool if you make fun of kids with special needs? Are you cool if you make fun of kids not as healthy or skinny as you? Are you cool if you go around smashing kids into lockers? Not in my eyes. In my mind, no one is popular, we are all losers to someone. I might be a loser in your eyes because I'm overweight. But I think your a loser if you judge me on that... Do you really think it's cool to be mean? I don't. In my mind no one is cool, popular, weird, dumb, stupid, fat, skinny. How can you categorize that? Is there some scale that proves you are dumb? Or a loser? I don't think so. Everyone is there own person. To me, were all losers. In my world, no one is cool. No one is dumb. No one is queer. Focus on the ability in someone, not the disability.

My definition of being cool: Being yourself, not posing for friends, being nice.

Maybe you don't agree with me. But the next time you call someone a loser or dumb or fat, think if that is going to make you popular, being mean. Because in my mind, someone who says mean things to other people, isn't cool.
Points: 13 4 comments
YELLOWWWWWWW!!! Mar 7, 2010
Points: 11 5 comments
OH MY GOSH! Mar 7, 2010
So i get on today and I have 29.9 T's! Come on!!!! I just need .1 to get the next level! What the heck! Now I have to play a whole nother game just to get that .1 T's I need!!! Anyone know of a way i can get some without doing a whole nother game???
Points: 10 2 comments
I AM SO MAD!!!!!! Mar 3, 2010
imageI AM SO MAD! I had like 40.7 T's. I made a group because i thought it didnt cost any money. Now i only have like 20! Thats not enough to get orange which is what i was saving for!!!!! GRRRR!!!!
Points: 0 4 comments