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The TarnyaCuff's blog

Posts 14 posts

Self made victims Oct 12, 2010
imageTake a fucking look at yourselves and the current friends you have on your friends list and the blogs that you post before screaming victim.

In the last 2 days ive read so many blogs where people are screaming im a victim, people hate me, im going to leave or my friends stabbed me in the back it's actually more entertaining to read them than it is to play the games. Its like one big school yard.

When i read a victim post the first thing i do when ive finnished laughing is to look at the previous posters blogs where i will pretty much without fail find blogs on..

1. Im leaving tengaged for good
2. Everyone hates me
3. XXXx is a cunt
4. XXXXX got what they deserved haha
5. Rants about xxxx being a loser
6. My premade turned on me ect

Their friends list is where i go next which i just know i will discover the tengaged list of whos who and the latest bunch of red nosed multi using regularly banned hating bunch of mean misfits that seem to think they run tenegaged like some kind of online street chav asbo gang/popular kids.

Forgive me.. if you run with these people or add them to play along side them in a hope of gaining respect or popularity to look cool when you know what there like and strive to be the same then you get what you all deserve.

Most of the sorry arse players on this site that sit and cry about being hated on and negged have pretty much done the same thing to many other people and have just got shoved out in the cold by there group till there picked up and needed again where they will pretty much forget who shit on them and why and go back to their old nasty selves.

Sadly ive have seen some real victims get bullied who are not like the above who genuinely wanted to enjoy tengaged but just don't have the wit or confidence ect to stand up to these pain in the arses and they leave.

The end of the day its simple if you throw the shit don't cry about it when it comes back at you and if it really is devastating to your lives you can log off and not return and life will go on.
Points: 50 6 comments
World of warcraft (wow) Oct 6, 2010
Have we got any wow players on tengaged that wanna hook up. Got couple characters on the go. Am in chamber of aspects if your intrested :)
Points: 57 2 comments
£450 ($715) For a BMX Bike my arse!!! Oct 5, 2010
imageOK right my son turns 16 in January which is an important birthday. When asked what he wants for his birthday he asks for a WeThePeople bike. He shows me the picture which admitted looks cool but then i clock the price and think you can fuck off kid.

But of course as a good mother I dont say it out loud to him..i mutter it and point out that he has a road bike already thats 2 yrs old. He has a BMX bike already thats less than a year old that he does use alot and practice his tricks on but is constantly tweeking and fixing because he never keeps it out the rain or oils it when he comes back from the bike tracks ect.And a bike he is building himself from scratch that hes bught the bits for but never continued.

Now as a mum my kids have everything they ask for however i make them work for it by doing things around the house and being respectful to others and working to there best at school, im not asking for high grades or perfection just the best they can.

So i ask my son to give me his reasons as to why he thinks he should have this bike and why at £450 its any better than what hes got. If he can give me good reasons why then i will consider it if they outweigh my reasons for against.

My reasons against

1. ITS £450
2. He does not look after the others but swears he will with this one
3. He does not appreciate the stuff he has and will soon move onto the next item.. is it a whim or is he really wanting it.
4. Its fakin £450
5. I would need to take out insurance incase it was stolen
6. Im worried he will get jumped by a bunch of kids for it while hes out. Im in a not so good area kids get jumed for expensive items like trainers (running shoes sneakers ect), Mobiles (cell phones)

So what im asking is are what reasons would yu give your parents for an expensive item less than 10 days after christmas if you wanted it.

Oh for the record his back up requests are
A Tatoo
A prostitute
A stone island jacket at £350

snootch to the nootch people

Big T
Points: 22 4 comments
Calling all tengage over 25's Sep 28, 2010
imageHere is a new moderated group for the over 25s to kick back and get to know other tengage relics who enjoy the games. Maybe even organise a few games where the aged out number the young bloods :)

so come on be proud to admit your a tengage dinosaur who can rock out with the best of them

Big T
Points: 8 0 comments
How low can you go. Sep 27, 2010
imageI am a people watcher its why i enjoy this game so much. In castings i don't play to win for me its about the chat and seeing how people interact. Sadly reading peoples blogs about there drama's of people in their castings or the actual people themselves you find just how low people will stoop to win.

Ive read about made up family sickness, cancers, dying family, their dying, fake relationships with fake people, bad parents, bad lives and the worst so far has to be that of a 15 year old child claiming she was pregnant and going into labour in the castings room.

Of course through all the *cough* pain and believe me it is a painful proccess likened to pushing a football through a whole the size of a tennis ball she managed to type her drama in castings. She then goes onto say the cord is wrapped around the babies neck... of course dear at 15 your a doctor as well as an unfortunate minor who got up the stick by not being careful if indeed (yeah right) this sorry arse tale is minutely true.

Not only did she clap on about the prem baby and grabbing all the attention you gotta wonder at what point through the typing it out was she on the phone to the medics and where the hell were her parents in this fictitous lie.

The really sad thing is to gain further points she comes on later makes up more stories about the prem baby and post pictures of 'strangers' babies that she must have swiped off the net to add further ingredient to this whole look at me attention seeking tick whoring blog reading plus me up to make me feel special story.

Now i truly believe in karma and i hope that those people who stoop so low for attention and wins find that there lies come back and bite them in there low hanging arses. Better still i hope oh lord i reallllly would love one day to be in a casting with one of these kind of theatrical wannabe liars because i would not find them funny but seek great humour and entertainment in ripping there sorry little life apart till one of us got voted off.

Have a great week.

snootch to the nootch
Points: 46 6 comments
Good guys do finnish last :) Sep 24, 2010
imageI made it to second this time in my game and I would have to say its been the dullest game ive played so far.l I did not bond with any person in the group to chat with because of the really bad time zone.

What I did find from the start was i was in a room with 19 other people that apart from the floaters were so absorbed in making alliances and orchestrating arguments when there were not second guessing who grabbed a key that i was just left to my own devices and sat ignored till the numbers dwindled down. Now it wasn't for the sake of trying because i tried to start conversations but got ignored as they huddled in their secret im on your alliance groups.

One guy even had the cheek to tell me i was only there as a lucky floater... erm nothing to do with the 3 keys i had then while your all fighting and ignoring me and he felt i would go soon. Obviously his selfconfidence pissed me off and while i couldnt care less about winning as i always maintain i just like to see how far i get off my own steam and honesty, i reallllly wanted to beat this guy because he was such a smug pompass arse and knocking him into 3rd behind me when he was so vocal to tell me he would not be nominated really has to sting. I like upfront in your face honesty. If someone is being a fake tell them, if there attention seeking tell them or tell them your not ticking. Dont tick a pain in the arse just because its going to keep you in it may help you get them out not doing it quicker. Don't bitch in pms and then cry about it when the person you sent it to tells the room your being an underhanded weasel if you really dont have anything to hide or the bollox to tell them to their faces in public.

Come on people it really does pay to be yourself and be honest in the room. Guys like this who spend there time private messaging others to bitch about you behind your back or waiting to the last few minutes of the finals to tell you your a c*nt are just plain spineless cowardness lol.

My top tip of the game this blog is take the time to talk to people in the room and not because your being fake to get ahead but because you will find out a wealth of information about what goes on and even make a tengaged friend who you found to be intresting. Never under estimate the people your in there with by being so overconfident about yourself you think your own shit does not have a smell.

snootch to the nootch people see you in a casting maybe :)
Points: 8 5 comments