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The Tylerseeg's blog

Posts 221 posts

Have I ever Aug 14, 2017
Been Drunk: no
Had sex: no
Cried Myself to Sleep: no
Felt lonely: yes
Been depressed: no
Smoked: no

Real name: Tyler
Age: 24
Birthday: July 12
Relationship status: single
Biggest fear: bees
Dream Job:  actor
Dream Car: don't have one, don't drive

Height: 6'2
Hair color: black
Eye color: brown
Fav type of music: pop
Fav meal: fried chicken

Like someone: no
Love someone: my family
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend: no
Want a boyfriend/girlfriend: yes
Have a tattoo: no
Have a piercing: no
Party: no

Artist: Kelly Clarkson
Movie: The Hunger Games
Song: I Surrender
TV series: Survivor
Animal:  Dog
Book: Harry Potter
Color: purple
Tengager: Wwemrpeeps
Filterred user:  no

Coke or Pepsi: Coke
Tea or Coffee: Tea
Tacos or Pizza: love both
Winter or summer: Summer

Get married: Yes
Go skydiving: yes
Have Kids: Yes
Swim with sharks: no
Eat rotten food: no
Points: 0 5 comments
I got into stars Aug 12, 2017
Its my first time playing in two years, so here goes nothing lol

Points: 15 1 comments
Survivor players going from positive to negative edits Jul 17, 2017
In my experience watching survivor, when a returning player that previously got a positive edit gets a negative edit on the season that they return, its not as out of the blue as it might originally seem. Usually, there were points when that negative side of their personality did appear on their original season, and it just wasn't heavily focused on.

For example, Andrew Savage was the same cliquish douchebag in Pearl Islands that he was in Cambodia, but he was portrayed as the heroic leader of the misfit tribe, that got screwed over by an unfair twist, when really everyone else had to deal with the same twist, but he hung himself with his high school like behavior.

Ozzy was originally shown to be the same douchebag in Cook Islands that he would be in his subsequent seasons, ostracizing Billy, and even doing a rant similar to his free agent rant in South Pacific when his ally Cecelia was voted out, but circumstances, specifically the mutiniy, put him in the position of heroic underdog

James showed the same disrespect to PeighGhee and Eliza that he showed to Stephenie, its just that for some reason the fans didn't mind in those instances.

There are likely other instances of this as well, these are just the ones I could think of right off hand

Points: 55 1 comments
Every Season on Big Brother fans complain Jul 2, 2017
that its the worst season ever, and big brother isn't as good as it used to be, and yet most of those same people continue to tune in every year. I personally think that most of the time its people just being mad that the game isn't playing out the way that they want.

Points: 59 3 comments
The Tina Scheer family curse Jan 20, 2017
Tina Scheer from Survivor Exile Island and her family are cursed in two ways, one way that's amusing but another way that is pretty sad.

As most survivor superfans will know, she was originally cast for survivor Guatemala but pulled out because her son died in a car accident. She would go on to be a contestant on survivor Exile Island, where she would be the first voted out, partially because her need to grief alone caused her to be isolated from her tribe.

In 2014, she would go on a show called Ultimate Survival Alaska, teamed up with two other people as part of team woodsmen, but her team had to pull out n the third leg because one of her team members was injured. That same teammate would die in 2015

In 2012, her brother and sister in law went on the amazing race but were the first team eliminated. Last year her sister in law suddenly passed away.

So obviously she and her family are amusingly cursed because they all do bad on reality shows, but sadly cursed because several of them die unexpectedly. They really have terrible luck.

Points: 25 1 comments
Dumbest move of each Big Brother season Jul 23, 2016
Big Brother 2: Hardy evicting Bunky and keeping Will

Big Brother 3: Marcellas not using the veto on himself

Big Brother 4: Nate using the veto on Alison

Big Brother 5: Cowboy evicting Nakomis (though he got lucky and it worked out for him)

Big Brother 6: Ivette not throwing the final HOH to Janelle

Big Brother 7: Erika nominating Danielle for eviction

Big Brother 8: Zach not using the veto at final 5

Big Brother 9: Jacob calling Parker a snake

Big Brother 10: Ollie buying into Dan's deal

Big Brother 11: Jeff backdooring Russell

Big Brother 12: Matt nominating Kathy with the diamond power of veto

BIg Brother 13: Lawon asking to be evicted

Big Brother 14: Danielle taking Dan off the block and nominating Shane

Big Brother 15 Mccrae nominating Elissa

Big Brother 16: Cody evicting Victoria and taking Derek to the finals

Big Brother 17: Julia taking Austin out of an important competition

Points: 82 5 comments