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Posts 157 posts

I think I might be allergic to my roommate May 18, 2015
imageLike literally allegic. Everytime he comes around my nose starts running and I cough like crazy. I just realized the correlation this evening. I wonder... maybe he parties with cats during the day or something. How do you tell your roommate that you think you might be allergic to them?
Points: 45 4 comments
Look at this stars gem I found Apr 7, 2014

I was cleaning up my room and I found a sheet of paper that I used back in the day to make a plan to get to the end of stars:

Overall great game with a fantastic cast :) Oh the memories~
Points: 38 4 comments
Casting on reality shows Mar 6, 2014
Wow! Casting for competitive reality TV shows has been way better than ever lately! I absolutely love the Survivor cast, and the Big Brother Canada cast is shaping up to be pretty spectacular as well. Can't wait for commercial to be over so I can see the rest of 'em! :)
Points: 24 2 comments
Do you believe in fortune cookies? Nov 24, 2013
imageI usually don't.

I mean they could be real, but I feel like they are usually just generic statements that can apply to everyone.

However, the fortune cookies from today were crazy accurate.

Earlier today I was at a chinese restaurant with my grandma. At the end of our meal we both got a fortune cookie. I got: "You will step on the soil of many countries." Lately I have been frequently researching and considering many travel destinations. Last night I finally settled on going to Brazil this summer and Austria next winter (2015). The fact that I got this fortune was pretty coincidental.

But it gets more freaky. My grandma's fortune cookie read: "Someone is looking up to you. Don't let this person down." Lately I have been telling my grandma about a certain topic and giving her advice. I keep stressing to her the importance of this advice. Even at the dinner table I was trying to get her to understand how vital it is for her. It's really bizzare how relevant and timely the fortune cookie was to the current situation. Unfortunately she didn't catch the relevance but it wasn't lost on me.

What are your thoughts? Does a fortune cookie really apply to the person that gets it? Or are they just a ploy to make you think that? Tough question that may never be solved!
Points: 57 1 comments
Ugh so many decisions!!!! Nov 18, 2013
Where to study abroad... Ecuador, Spain, Austria, Japan, Brazil...

Where to work... corporate communications, marketing, consulting...

The future is bright but also dark at the same time!
Points: 0 5 comments
- Oct 25, 2013
Points: 65 0 comments