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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

For DatBlackGuy

Jun 30, 2013 by Zero0o51
Hey DatBlackGuy i liked the tribute :P you're really cool, i am only a villain when i have to be ,in the fasting we were in i had no alliance so i had to break up some, and the one i discovred was cici's and ad. After that i made other alliances but i was too much of a threat to keep around so i got voted off :P

11th. - Zero0o51. - The drama maker, suspecting alliances, throwing alliances out there, we couldn't take you making any more drama, so we got the troublemaker evicted, LOLBYE ZERO0O51.


You sure did have a huge part in this game, LOOL.
To be honest, I wished you had stayed longer in the game because you were the entertainer of the group, I was like, oh, there's no drama, then you came along, then I was like we are going to be in for a CRAZY season, haha. Thanks for what you have done, sorry for evicting you, really didn't get to know you, hope to play with you again.
Sent by DatBlackGuy,Jun 30, 2013

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