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The Zezie's blog

Posts 11 posts

New casting format Feb 5, 2010
Seems abit confusing.. So basically..

- If you find apples or keys you have less chance to get put up for eviction if you had a bad score to begin with?
- If many different people plus your posts you have less chance to get put up for eviction?

Or maybe im just completely lost.
Points: 27 4 comments
Shops :D Jan 26, 2010
Feels abit pathetic sitting refreshing the shops. :p it is the first time ive been around for shops to open though, i got no idea whats happening but im looking forward to seeing and maybe getting my hands on something :D
Points: 0 0 comments
BF wants to join from same IP.. Jan 25, 2010
Is that allowed? Only saw a post about multis not being allowed in the rules, just want to make sure before he joins.

Points: 36 3 comments
Shops wishlist! Jan 24, 2010
Love going through all the stuff in there, unfortunately im slow/poor so i cant really get the stuff i would want to even if i would be managing to be in the shop while theyre still in stock.

Anyways, here's my wishlist from the shops. Some awesome stuff in there :)

Especially loving the Dark Lala hair. Gorgeous!

Do you have your eyes set on anything special in the shops? :)
Points: 13 6 comments
Shops Jan 23, 2010
Still trying to figure this shops and auctions stuff out, not exactly sure how the shops work but i got the auctions under control i think :p

Anyone that can fill me in on how it works? Someone adds a shop and it gets chosen and then we get to buy stuff there? Or does shops add abit randomly?
Points: 21 6 comments
Won my casting! Jan 22, 2010
imageJust got first place in one of my castings :D
Yayyy happy!
Points: 23 5 comments