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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Survivor Redemption Island: Episode 5

May 3, 2015 by __A__
Redemption Island:
Ometepe sends Hali and Spencer to the duel, Zapatera sends Cirie and Jenn
*Mike and Charlie enter , Charlie doesn’t acknowledge his former tribemates*
Mike and Charlie compete and Charlie wins the duel and remains alive.
Jeff: Mike, you are officially out of the game, you can toss your buff in the urn.
*Mike leaves*
Jeff: “Charlie head on back and wait for your next challenger”

Zapatera Camp:
With Charlie being eliminated and Rob dodging a bullet, he knows he has to flip the game. He approaches Cirie and they start talking. Rob is trying to Convince Cirie that the best move for them would be to team up with Jenn and target either Parvati or Ozzy should they lose another challenge. Since both Parvati and Ozzy have connections on the other tribe they are dangerous to keep around. Cirie listens and contemplates Rob’s offer. Cirie thinks they might be able to get Ozzy to volunteer to go to Redemption Island if it comes to it.

Ometepe Camp:
Joaquin, Russell, and Spencer have a strategy session. Joaquin is trying to convince the guys to throw the next challenge. He tells them that they are up by four members and going into the merge it would be most beneficial to get rid of people like Amanda, James, and NaOnka. Spencer agrees that taking out some big threats would be smart. Russell disagrees.
Russell confessional: “Last time I played, my tribe threw a challenge to get rid of me and it ended up costing them all the entire game. Throwing challenges is not a good strategy. “
Joaquin approaches Hali, Peih-Gee and Heidi to see how they would feel about throwing the next challenge. None of the women seem too keen, but say that they will go along with whatever.

Immunity challenge: Spencer and Joaquin make sure that Ometepe loses, and Zapatera wins their first challenge!

Ometepe Beach:
After returning from the challenge, Amanda realizes that Spencer and Joaquin threw the challenge. She and James agree that one of the two needs to go. James and Amanda approach NaOnka, and she is all for getting one of the guys out.  They know they will need two more votes. NaOnka, being one of Heidi’s closest friends in the game, tries to sway her to vote with James and Amanda. Heidi is hesitant to trust Amanda after their fight earlier in the game. Amanda and Peih-Gee talk, Peih-Gee likes the idea of breaking up the three guys but is not sure now is the time to strike.
Peih-Gee confessional: “I’ve positioned myself right in the middle, James and Amanda need me and so do Joaquin/Spencer/Russell. Wherever I go I am burning a group of people and will have a big target on my back.”
Joaquin, Spencer, and Russell discuss their options. Joaquin pushes for NaOnka to go, but Russell and Spencer think that James is a bigger threat, and putting him on Redemption Island early could be good. They decide on their target and let Hali, Peih-Gee, and Heidi know the vote.
Heidi Confessional: “The guys come up to us and tell us how to vote. It really rubs me the wrong way how cocky they are. I feel like I’m choosing between the lesser of two evils: on one hand I have the guys alliance and on the other Amanda who I do not get along with. I have to suck it up and work with one of these groups though.

Tribal Council:
One by one everyone votes
Joaquin: “It’s funny how easy it was to turn everyone against you.”
Amanda: “I’ve done all I can to make sure it was you, we’ll see how throwing this challenge worked out for you.”

Jeff: “I’ll read the votes ”

First vote

Second vote

Third vote

Fourth vote

“We’re tied, two votes Joaquin, two votes James”

Fifth vote

Sixth Vote

Seventh vote
*James rolls his eyes*

Eighth vote
*Joaquin looks shocked and looks over at Heidi*

Ninth vote
And the fifth person voted out of Survivor: Redemption Island
*Joaquin, Spencer, Hali look shocked. Russell shakes his head*

“Joaquin, the tribe has spoken”
*snuffs torch
“You will have a chance to re-enter this game”

Amanda: Joaquin
Hali: James
Heidi: Joaquin
James: Joaquin
Joaquin: James
NaOnka: Joaquin
Peih-Gee: Joaquin
Russell: James
Spencer: James

Hali Ford: halye
James Clement pizzawithcookirs
Spencer Bledsoe: Notsae
Heidi Strobel HollySmiley
Peih-Gee Law CarsonWorld
Russell Hantz Steve4280
Amanda Kimmel pilatesgrl
Naonka MelloJello

Cirie Fields AndrewWeltner
Parvati DrIcicle
Jenn Brown Corey135
Rob Cesterninio  Survivornerd
Ozzy AlextheGod

RI:Joaquin Russell11
Charlie Herschel JoshJosh123

18th: Kass Westyman557
17th: JT liandy410
16th: Mike Chisel Latisha0987



Sent by LittleMix,May 3, 2015
Told those idiots to never throw a challenge
Sent by steve4280,May 4, 2015
aha their gonna have the challenge curse now :')
Sent by corey135,May 4, 2015
Sent by Russell11,May 4, 2015

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