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Naked Blogs Are Best

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Death in a Diner, Scene 1 Jul 30, 2010
This is my first work in progress, tell me what you think. :)
Charles-The owner of the diner
Melody-The owners wife
Scott-The waiter
Mr. Watson-The customer
Mrs. Watson-Customer
Mr. Sasha-Customer
Yishmael-Lee's partner
Detective Lee-Dectective on the Case

Scene 1: Murder
(Dectective Lee is standing center stage, while a dead body lies on the floor. Lee walks around looking at various clues. Charles and Melody enter from stage left)

Charles-Have you figured anything out yet, Mr. Lee?

Lee-Give me time, sir. You are rushing me out pretty quickly. That does seem awfuly guilty.

Charles-Don't frame me dectective boy, I have customers waiting up in the lodge who have reserved seats! Can you clean up the body?

Lee-Don't worry, it doesn't even seem like murder. But I can't just clean the body up, give me time to investigate.

(Charles exits stage right)
Melody-Don't mind my husband, he's a bit...tight fisted. I am Melody, you can call me Mel. Is there anything I can help with.

Lee-Ma'am if you would please just give me some time with the body.

(Melody exits off stage right)

Lee-(yelling towards off stage)Yishmael! Where are you? Yishmael!!

(Yishmael enters stage left)
Yish-Yes sir?

Lee-Did you get the information on the body?

Yish-I did. The man's name is Isaac Weston, he comes here from the Bronks. It seems he had some heavy ties with the mafia. Autospy shows he was killed by overdose.(hands papers over to Lee)

Lee-So it seems. But it has to be a strange overdose. Yish, I want you to gather everyone that was here last night. I think we might have a murder on our hands.

(end of scene 1)

Just the begining, tell me what you think. :)
scene 2:
Points: 51 8 comments
Blog Jul 29, 2010
What can we blog about. :P can it be anything?? Sorry for such a noob question. haha
Points: 13 2 comments